Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Change Your Seat"

"Change Your Seat" ~~ Gary Trabucco  ~~
The American Heritage Shop

This is the Season where we spend lots of time in our homes.
We here in the North East have been dealing with
extreme cold, record snow and some ice. 
This has limited my outings .. even some  
ventures to walk out in the yard or into the woods.

In some cases it can bring forth
the  "Dreaded Cabin Fever" earlier than usual.  
I'm not experiencing cabin fever yet.  
I love being home, its warm, its cozy I have a supply
 of good books and projects and I can always find  
some thing to putter with.
It's also a great time of year to catch up with
friends & family by phone, letter or computer.
My problem is that I center on the few things I'm
not thrilled about in the cabin ..... these are things  
I cant change ... due to hubby's needs & likes or
they are structural, or cost prohibited. 
Either way they are here to stay.

I find when I'm home this much, I start to obsess about
 these things and I'm not a happy camper.   
A wise man once said ......
" Change your Seat"

I remember it like it was yesterday .... I remember laughing
like what the heck will that do ..... but over the years as
simple as it sounds I find it works. 
If you sit in the same seat each day as most of
us do ... you have the same view.
I have my spot in each and every room in the cabin. 
I also have my spot in each 
and every friend & relatives home. 
Come on .....  you probably all do ....   Right  ??  
It cant just be me ........... Could it ??     :-) 

Well anyways when you change your seat .... you get a whole
different view and perspective of your room.  
 And sometimes you are pleasantly surprised by what you see. 
At any rate it  stops you from staring at the
thing or things  that are bugging you.
In most of my room, the furniture really cant be moved
but I can  choose to sit somewhere different, and I do.

Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds,
can change the outer aspects of their lives.
~~ William James (1842-1910)
So till I can make a few road trips .... get back out to
the shop .... or the weather
permits me to sit on the porch, or deck or check
out the yard ..... my plan is the keep changing my seat.
Thanks Gary ..... for this and other sage 
pieces of advice  you given me over the years.
These  photos are some of  my different views ~~
I hope where ever you Sit .... you love your View.
Sending Blessings & Hugs from the Cabin ~ Connie xox
*** It's Snowing Again ***


Rebecca said...

Connie, I find this so true. As an artist, I always relate this to art class, where the subject to be painted is in the center of the room and easels are positioned all around the perimeter. If you walk all around the room, you can see how everyone sees that same subject from a different angle - a different view! Anyhoo..., the visual helps me relate (when I need to)! Oh, and your cabin photos are always a wonderful treat any time of year! Becky

Ginny said...

Some very good advice you have pasted along to us. Thanks for sharing, I believe I will need to ry this. And, it is snowing here again in PA, has been since about 6:00 a.m. though now it looks like it has let up. Need to change my seat, and get up and fill the bird feeders.

Linda said...

Connie...great post and food for thought!

Primitive Memories said...

What a clever little saying! I think we all need to change our seat every once in a while. You never know what you might be missing by sitting in the same place all the time!
Love your winter photos! They are lovely!
Thank you for sharing!


Raymond Homestead said...

This is so true. I love the photos you posted so I'm pretty sure I would love every view in your home!



Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

Very much enjoyed your post today!
Thanks much!
In fact, Thanks very very much!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

This is so true!! I start to obsess with the MANY things that I can't change at home about this time of year as well and so I will heed that great advice and change my seat.

And I will admit I have my favs in other folks homes too. I will switch it up next time!

Great post Connie!! HUGS!

Thistlebrooms said...

Living in a condo now I only have SO many seats available to me.
I always enjoy sitting in front of my large window looking outside though. The Snow is falling now (as you know Connie( and it's putting me in a Dream like mode...
With the lights on outside it is a pleasure to watch AND be snug as a bug in a rug inside!!!

Wishing you Simple Pleasures...

Janet - underthewillow said...

what a fun post dear Connie!

have you been watching American Idol?...what do you think of JLo and Steven Tyler?...have you found yourself missing Simon yet?


Beehive Needleworks said...

A most delightful post Connie! I find that I change seats as the light moves throughout the day. And it is so gives one a new-found perspective, both visual and emotional. A wee vacation without leaving home!

Tuck in and enjoy your seems a magical place indeed!


Patty Sumner said...

How true! It is amazing how just changing our seat changes our view....great pics and very beautiful at the cabin. Blesings!

The Cinnamon Stick said...

At first I thought what is she talking about....BUT by now I should know YOU always are "spot" on!!! Tomorrow morning I will change my seat -and look out the kitchen window at the beautiful snow while having my coffee - figuring I might as well "embrace" the snow as it isn't going anywhere soon. I miss you too! Spring will come and we will "real" hug!!! XO, Judy

Anonymous said...

Aww..Connie, I love this post! It's so true and told in such a lovely way! Loved your pictures!
Stay warm! ~Kathy

Aprons Gone Wild said...

Great post, Connie. Your advice is spot on. Where we sit/stand, etc. has everything to do with how we feel at any given moment in any given space. It's why we feel comfortable in some surroundings and not in others. You gave us all a good reminder. Often, we get stuck in our ways and forget how the simplest things can change our mood. You've given your readers a real lift today with some very useful advice.

Holly Hills Primitives said...

How true it is! You are a lucky gal to have such great views from different seats. Your home is so darn cozy, I can see why you haven't gotten cabin fever yet. Enjoy, Dawn

Miki said...

I absolutely LOVE your cabin! Can I come & live there too? lol
We just recently bought a 24 yr. old log cabin. It's very "rustic" on the outside. Hoping to make it look better soon.
I love all your decorations. I hope to have my house decorated with primitives someday as well.

Rabbit Hill ~ Handmades by Jenn Tavoletti said...

I want to come and live there also!! Beautiful pics!

It's so true. I have my particular seat in every room of my house. That Lydia is such a litter stinker, she knows which they are and has always tried to lay claim to them since she was a tiny thing.

Like I was saying though, your right! We were at my friend's home for the football game last weekend. I have my own seat there also but someone had taken it ~ the nerve! The seat ended up with gave me such a lovely new view of her home. I even commented on it to my SIL.

Don't you wish all life's problems could be solved that easily??

Stay warm and cozy in your pretty cabin. Hopefully soon we will be changing our seats out into the garden.

Love and hugs ~ Jenn

Green Creek Primitives said...

Connie, I just found your blog, and I love it. You are so right, I sit in the same chair in what ever room I am in. I want to change things around but most time I can't, maybe I am the one who needs to move not the furniture. Wow, now I can view things from a differnt view point. Oh and I love your antiques, I was raised with a father who had an antique business for 40 years, it gets in your blood. Thanks Vicky

The Cinnamon Stick said...

Hmmm...I changed my seat but the view HERE is still the same!!
Thanks for the ear this morning....XO

Joy/The Olde Farmhouse said...

Hi Connie: Just found you and SO glad I did...been having the "what-can-I-do's" to make some changes and you hit the spot! Love your pictures and of course your post. This is the time of year when we all get restless..but hang on...winter will be gone soon. Re-arranging wall decor seems to help me...come see me
Hugs, Joy

Kattywhompus Primitives said...

Wonderful post Connie...and so true. You view looks pretty amazing too. I heard a rumor that spring is on it's way...let's hope.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Howdy girl! This Ozark Farm Chick saw one of your comments on another site and just wanted to check out the cabin! I see that ya haven't posted for awhile but I had fun pokin' around anyway.

Don't worry, I put everything back just the was it was....I'm twisted like that! Heeehehe!!!

From the happy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a beautifully blessed Spring Day!!!