Thursday, October 11, 2012

Good Afternoon ~~

Good Afternoon Friends .... Come on in I've brewed a
a Pot of Tea and baked a PumPkin Bread
we can sit and visit for awhile.
The weather today is Perfect .... Sunny and
Cool, the Trees are showing such Pretty Color
 just a Beautiful Blessed Fall Day.
A good day for a walk in the woods ... this year the
Tansy was non existent  due to a lot of factors.
Bittersweet on the other hand
 is every where I look, I always
pick early so I have plenty to spare. 
I'm hoping to score a nice crop of rose-hips,
mine are in need or refreshing. 
Not sure if I will take the cart out for a ride
 or just carry a Basket to bring home my finds.
I'm also in desperate
need of pine cones, and acorns.
 The Cabin is filled with PumPkins .... real and cloth,
the bittersweet sits on cupboards, mantels and in carriers.
We've had a few fires to take the chill off in the
evenings and early mornings, it's so cozy
  I couldn't be happier.
My Dearest Cousin Josie is coming for visit this
week-end she'll travel up from NY by train.
We'll sit around reminiscing, eating, drinking,
and laughing as we have done since
we were small kids. Use to be
milk and soda now it's tea and wine. lol
Saturday I'll take her down some Country roads
to leaf peek, do a little shopping 
then out to a Country Inn
 for a Harvest Dinner
Fingers Crossed for Some Fall SunShine.
I hope all is well in your little corner.
I do breeze around and check
on all of you from time to time.
EnJoy this Beautiful Season .... because
like all the Seasons it is fleeting.
Sending Blessings & Warm Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox




  1. Hi Connie, love your blog, so warm and cozy, like your wonderful home. Lots of bittersweet this year, so nice to decorate with, beautiful time of year. The weekend sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy. The pumpkins in the basket on that great table of yours looks so charming, love it. Blessings, Francine.

  2. I am so excited to see your new post!!!! I absolutely LOVE your blog! You have a wonderful weekend and all that Fall brings!!hugs!

  3. Very very nice and cozy!
    Have a wonderful time with your cousin..sounds wonderful.

  4. It's so wonderful to see your prim decorating and your prim home! Such beautiful antique pieces.

  5. Hi Connie!...oh that picture of your family room reminds me of when I sat at that table at like eleven o'clock at night while you served dinner, good grief!!...if I promise not to do that to you again, can I come for another visit?? :)))

    It's good to see you post, always a lovely message and beautiful pictures...have fun with your cousin!


  6. You've such a beautiful and cozy home :) Thank you for sharing.


  7. Dearest Connie...I am delighted to "see" you again. As always, your blog post is delightful! My goodness, your home is ever so cozy and inviting. I can just imagine the warm aroma of baked goods, the sound of a crackling fire, and the sight of treasures newly found in the crisp-cool outdoors!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend visit with your cousin...I feel certain that your time together shall be cherished always.
    With warm hugs...
    Judy xox

  8. Hello Miss Connie,
    Everything looks beautiful! Are those PA pumpkins I see? I wanted to say your house looks so cozy and warm but I see everyone else has said that already! Your home is so inviting, I'm sure I would have no problem cuddling up in front of a fire with a cup of tea and some pumpkin bread. Have a wonderful weekend with your cousin (lucky girl).
    Love & hugs ~ Jenn xo

  9. Oh my, I'd love to share some tea and pumpkin bread with you! Your home looks so very warm and cozy - the perfect spot to enjoy fall. Have a great week, Dawn

  10. Your home is so lovely. So warm and cozy. This is what I want some day. My dream-on a log home, nice fireplace cozy furniture.

    Maybe....some day. :)

    Have a wonderful week.

    Take care, Janet W

  11. Happy to see you always have such fun posts that make me feel good inside!! XO


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