Thursday, May 17, 2012

Small Spaces .... Make Great Places

Hello Friends ~~ The sun is shining and all
is well here at the cabin. Put together a Lasagna
for dinner and baked some muffins early this morning.
Going to spend the rest of the day working in the shop.
Mmmm .... the Cabin smells Good !!!
Yesterday morning was rainy,
so I worked inside ......
Made a Large Pot of Sauce, Cleaned and Putzed.
Love to play around the Cabin ..... sometimes
changing one thing can make me stop, appreciate and
love a room all over again.

4 X 13  Powder Room
I removed a small barrel
in my powder room and placed a chair in the
corner .... no big deal but I like the way it looks.
It's the small things in life right ??
The sun came out in the afternoon,
and the day turned Beautiful.
Tomorrow I'm out for a road trip antiquing, and
catching up with my Dear Friend Kathy ...... it's been
awhile so I am are looking forward to it.
Hope to come back with some neat finds.
Love Girl Time !!
Hope what ever you are doing
  ... it's with a Happy Heart ~~
Blessings & Big Hugs from the Cabin ~~ xox
Use it Up .... Wear it Out ..... Make it Do ...
or Do With Out !!!
How Great is this saying ???
I Love it !!!
I read this the other day on one of
the Blogs ..... Sorry I don't
remember who's said it, would love
to give credit where credit is due. 
(hugs to the author )


  1. Oh YUMMMMMY! I can just imagine the delightful aroma of homemade goodies drifting through your Cabin.
    LOVE the bathroom re-arrange...a cozy, comforting spot to "rest."
    Wishing you a joyful time antiquing with your friend!
    Warm hugs...
    Judy x

  2. You know it girl! Love changing some little things around, it makes all the difference! Have a great day, Dawn

  3. What a sweet little room!!
    Your making me hungry!
    I love to putz too..especially when I have the house to myself.

  4. Have fun and tell Kathy I said "Hi" !!
    Powder room is sweet!! XO

  5. Just wanted to stop by and say Hi, tell you how much I enjoy your wonderful blog and thank you for leaving such a sweet comment in regards to the birth of my grandson. Thank you, Hugs Julie.

  6. Hi Connie...your pictures always give me a warm, fuzzy feeling! The bathroom looks charming.
    Rain, rain and more rain here since we got back. I'm going a little crazy after being in pure sunshine for 4 months. Craving some outdoor time in the flower beds. Pulling weeds actually sounds good to me right now!
    Been neglecting my blog lately. Have to get back in business! Enjoy your shopping trip!
    Fondly, Joanne

  7. Hi Connie!! Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. I'm visiting everyone now from my last blog and you already beat me to another comment lol! I LOVE the chair in your bathroom. Your pictures are always so inspiring. Rainy mornings are especially nice when the sun comes out in the afternoon.
    You have a lovely Memorial Day weekend also.

    Sending big hugs ~ Jenn xoxo

    p.s. I want a muffin ~ they look delightful!

  8. Hello, found your wonderful blog and wanted to say love your little prim room. MMMM those muffins look so yummy,enjoy. Blessings Francine.

  9. Hi Connie,
    Thanks for your supportive comment on my blog post. I revive that post every time there is an election because I get so frustrated with people who say, "I hate politics," especially my close friends and family members. They always seem to be the ones complaining about things but don't take a position or any action to change them. It enables the wool to be pulled over their eyes and they have no one to blame but themselves.
    Hope you are well. Finally got Cathy up here for a visit. It was fun but too short. However, I'll take what I can get after so many years.
    Enjoy this Fall season. I imagine it is your favorite time of year, as it is mine. Fondly, Joanne


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~