Saturday, October 27, 2012

Be Safe ~~

Good Morning All
We are back Home at the Cabin
way Earlier than planned
due to  Hurricane or Tropical Storm
What ever they are calling it.
It keeps changing.

We were in PA for our last RV trip
of the Season ... we had a full and
most anticipated list of things we
planned on doing.
Then we got word from our son Heath
who works for the city that
"Sandy" may have an impact in our area
 so Home we headed.
 A full three days earlier than we expected.

 Much to do to prepare.
Bring the wood up on back deck .... check
Service the generator ..... check
Pick up plow truck  with new plow assembly ..... check
Pack up remaining out door furniture ..... check
Lay in supplies ..... later today
Bake & Make Up Halloween Goodie Bags .... tomorrow
Finger crossed the kids get to
 ~~ TricK or TreaT ~~
 this year.
 I'm hoping this is much to do about Nothing ..
but as always we will prepared
as best we can. 
Prepare for the Worse ... Hope & Pray for the Best
 Last year when the early
snow storm hit we had our
(two son's .... daughter in law, &  grand girls)
here for a few days.
Some in the area lost power for nine days.
Here at the Cabin the  generator,
fireplace and woods stoves
 were working at full capacity.
It was cozy and oh so nice to
 have everyone safe and under one roof.

EnJoy the last of the
Colored Leaves for after the storm
they will be Gone.
Where ever you are
May You and Yours Keep Safe
Sending Blessings, & Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Hi Connie!
    We are preparing for the big storm here in NY, too. It has definitely put some plans on hold.... and I am sorry you had to cut your trip short due to it. We are a little worried about our house at the NJ shore.... thankfully we know a man down there that will board the place up for us, and then check on it after the storm has passed... It looks to be a major one... :(
    Stay safe and hang onto your hat!!

  2. Hi Connie...we're making all our preparations here today too...yesterday I visited my favorite Pandora store and told them I was there to pick up some hurricane supplies, LOL...seriously though, I hope we all stay safe and that our properties do not sustain damage!

    Janet :)

  3. Coonie I hope that storm fizzles out.
    Be safe Connie!

  4. Hi Connie,
    We are getting a tamer version.
    Stay safe and take care.

  5. Hi Connie...hopefully this storm will be more of a "treat" than a trick and head out to sea. We are even having warnings here in Western PA. I hope you all will be safe and sound in your cozy home. Sorry you had to leave our favorite place early. The weather this past week has been lovely! (....although I am liking the cloudy day today.) Love your pretty pictures ~ bittersweet, pumpkins and pewter, can't get better than that!
    Warm hugs ~ Jenn

  6. Hi Connie....batton down the hatches......darn Sandy....Throw another log on the fire.....Stay safe my friend.....Blessings Francine.

  7. Missed seeing you Connie...we too have everything ready - (except Tony told me we were almost out of coffee) Might have to trek out this morning. Stay cozy in that beautiful log cabin...this old house has stood for 184 years thinking it still has some years left in it!!(as long as that big old walnut tree stays put)!!! XO, Judy

  8. Dear Connie...I hope and pray that you and yours are safe and sound.
    Sending love from here...
    Judy xx

  9. Connie, just checking in to make sure all is well, since the storm last week. Hope you were snug and safe and have no damages...Blessings from NC


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