Friday, December 14, 2012

Please say a Prayer

My Heart and Prayers go out to All who
were Touched by this Tragedy Today.
The Little Town of Newtown, CT
which is just a hop, skip
and a jump from us,
Is suffering Unimaginable Sorrow.
The Little Innocent Children and
their Beloved Teachers that were lost.
 The Families,The Teachers, and First Responders,
that are dealing with the loss.
May God Grant them Strength, and Comfort.
Please say a Prayer.
Hug Your Loved Ones Close  
Blessings & Hugs from the Cabin
~~ Connie xox


  1. I was at work when the news traveled around the store. My first thought was of you Connie, because I knew you lived in CT.
    No words, just tears and prayers.

  2. So so sad, my heart is breaking for the families, thoughts and prayers, Francine.

  3. So saddened by today's horror!Prayers,Jen

  4. I just can't even begin to imagine what those families are going through. Sending prayers for all involved, Dawn

  5. Connie,
    I am praying and I am NEVER speechless but I have been. My husband and I have been praying for these families and everyone in this small town, we live only 2 hours away form this small town. Gun control in NEEDED,last week there was a mall shooting. People just going to the mall and buying Christmas presents.
    My husband Ken said it isn't the guns it is the person or people behind them.

    I pray to the Lord Jesus that he gives these families comfort, I can't even image what the families are going through being a Mother of 2 sons 21 and 18 next week.
    Everyone PLEASE keep praying that these families lean and keep their faith in the Lord.

  6. Prayers too, for all who are affected and in my opinion it is each and everyone of us!We have all been touched by this.

  7. Prayers are also coming from Michigan. I can't imagine what that poor CT town is going through. Let's just pray they are all able to get through this senseless tragedy. Hugs to you, my friend.

  8. Sending warm hugs of friendship and comfort.


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