Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Yeah ... It's a Sunny Happy Day here
at the Cabin ... Thank You God the rain has
finally stopped.  It was making
me a little crazy .... too many days in a row.
It's been chilly early mornings
and late evenings, so the wood stove has still
been in use .... I am tried of working it. :-)
I'd like to clean it up, blacken it,
and decorate my hearth for the season.
It has  felt more like Fall was coming
instead of Spring & Summer.
My Lilacs are right outside my
bedroom window, and I never got
to smell them once through the open window
just too darn chilly.
I will try to remember how I feel now
and not  Crab when the heat shows up. lol

All is well here and I hope it's the same by you. 
I don't post much anymore,
took me a week and a half
to find my Reading List once
Blog Spot decided we all needed
a change. Ahhhh
Not nice to fool with the crazy old lady !!! 
I do Breeze around and read,
it has surprised me how my List has
Grown and Changed. 
At first it was  all Prim Blogs  which I still
Love ..... but now I read
so many on Cooking, Fashion, Hair & Beauty.
You are all so Sweet and Talented,
I learn new things, laugh out loud,
get inspired and sometimes shed a tear.
I don't always leave  a comment
but please know its a nice part of my day.

Wishing all the Beautiful Women I know,
My Sister, Daughter In Law, Nieces, Cousins,
all my BFF's along with all my
on-line Blogger Friends,
a Happy Mother's Day !!
You are all such Treasures, Wonderful Beautiful
Ladies, who do so much for your families and
make life better for everyone you know.
~~ May God Bless You All ~~
Sending You
Love & Hugs from the Cabin ~~Connie  xox


  1. Happy Mother's Day Connie. Not a Mom to human's myself, just pets!! :)

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you as well Connie :)


  3. Happy Mother's Day back to you! It's been pretty chilly here too, we're also ready for a real spring and summer. Enjoy your special day, Dawn

  4. Hi Connie, what a sweet wonderful post.
    You have a wonderful Mother's Day too.

  5. Connie you have a wonderful day too!

  6. Wishing you a splendid Mother's Day dear Connie! May the day be filled with joy and delight!
    Most warmly,
    Judy x

  7. Hi Connie,

    Your post was lovely "crazy lady" :) Don't you just hate when they change things like that? I've been wanting to change my my blog design for months but know it's going to take forever to figure out and I just don't want to waste time, so it's staying for now!

    Lydia and I wanted to thank you for your kind comments on her blog post. I've been away from the computer for a while so this is a little late. She enjoyed every comment she received. It was a pleasure. Thanks for being so kind always.

    Wishing you a lovely "SUNSHINY" day and week ahead.

    Warm hugs ~ Jenn xo


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~