Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Heart Day

Happy Heart Day Friends
Hope all is well in your little corner
Things are well here ....
quiet and peaceful at the Cabin.

All photos are the works of Schneeman Folk Art
Give all To Love;
Obey Thy Heart
~~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just finished up the Larkrise to Candleford
Series ... Thank You Jenn, and Linnie for
the recommendation ... we Loved it !!
Probably much too much TV watching but
this is the hibernating time of the year .... Right ??
Any other suggestions ???

Since last we talked our Beloved Giants
went on to Win the Super Bowl .. Woo Hoo !!
Lots of Happy Dancing around the Cabin ...
I hope they spend a nice long time resting up
I know we will ... yikes but they make it Stressful.  LOL
It was also the day for Market  Square in PA
so it was a four hr drive down ... shop ... place orders,
a few quick hugs with vendors & friends
then a four hr drive back home.
 (Thank You Kathy, for the laughs, the lunch, and the driving ~~ Hugs)
Once back home  settled on the sofa, snacks & the game.
A Full Fun Packed Day for sure.
I wonder who plans the Market SquareShow
on Super  Bowl Week-End every year.
I wish they could reconsider and change the date.
Getting too old for the Pace.
I'm heading off to NYC first thing in the morning
a friend "got" tickets to the Rachael Ray show for us.
It will be taped tomorrow an aired on another day. 
I'm excited to be heading in to the city again.
(It's a Blessing  to live in the country
and yet only be an hour from Manhattan.)
I wonder  who will be the guest on the show.
I'm sure when I get home it will be some
low key Valentine dinner here .... fingers
crossed hubby will take care of it (take in maybe).

The sun is shining brightly
(oh my the windows don't look good)
but I'm not in the mood to clean them.
I may bundle up and take a nice walk ....
I'm thinking Spring.
I know Red is the color for Love ...
But my Favorite Colors
are Brown & Blue so no Red here.
Wishing You all a Happy Valentine's Day !!
Share the Smiles, the Hugs and the Love !!
Blessings & Hugs from the Cabin ~ Connie xox


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! How fun to be going to the city, I've never been there, but it's on my bucket list. You'll have to let us all know when it airs so we can watch for you. Your hearts are delightful! We're getting ready to go to Columbus to the markets next month, fun and tiring both (but I can't wait). Enjoy your cozy cottage my friend, Dawn

  2. Have a good time and get back to us with details about the show.
    Love the hearts!
    Happy Valentines Day

  3. Hi Connie!...Happy Valentine's Day! the heart pics you was the market show?...have fun in the big city!


  4. Goodness me...such whirlwind excitement! I shall be looking forward to hearing about your fun-filled day in the City.
    Wishing you a LOVE-ly Valentine's Day Connie!
    Warm hugs,
    Judy x

  5. Oh darlin' I think your brown and blue hearts are just perfect!

    Ya could always set up a romantic picnic in front of the fireplace instead to TV....'Just sayin'...

    God bless ya sweetie and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!! :o)

  6. I missed this post somehow...

    Love the Schneeman pictures, so pretty and I agree with you ~ no reds!

    Since the Steelers weren't playing I was very happy to see the Giants win :) What a game, right to the end!

    I'm glad you liked the Larkrise series. I'm actually watching it again right now lol! Can't get enough of that. Another good one is "Cranford" and "Return to Cranford" Also the "Road to Avonlea" series ~ many seasons of that one! I watch them all over and over again

    Hope you had fun at Market Square. Someday I would love to go just to see everything.

    Happy belated Valentines.
    xoxo Jenn

  7. Well, now I know why I didn't know you were going to the city...didn't check in on your blog...Silly me..and I check "almost" every day..sigh!! XO

  8. Love your doll from your valentine post, do you sell them and how much? thanks, Lecia


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