Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rachael Ray Show

Hi Ladies .... for those who asked ....
My Day in the City was Fun ....
Rachael Ray's Show was a Blast !!
The show was a Celebration of her1000 th Show .
Guests were Regis & Joy Philbin
and some others
(I don't want to ruin the Surprise)
They had clips of Celebrities who wanted to 
congratulate  Rachael,  and clips
of regular folks .... who had been touched by her in some way.

She is as Sweet, Cute, and Funny as can be.
Talks & Jokes with the audience during all the commercial breaks.
She has a warm up comedian who was good ... but she
really is just as funny or maybe even more so than he is.
Sorry he is new so I can't remember his name.
The staff and all involved in the production, were warm,
friendly, and helpful just really ... really nice people.
Thanks to all the Great Pro Dancers who coached us.
If ya tune in to watch the show ...
we did a Flash Mob in the beginning of the show.
What a Hoot !!!
They had us  practice  before  the taping ....
not sure it did much good, that would be
due to Us not the Instructors.  lol
It turned out to be a very long day at the studio,
we were served a yummy breakfast and lunch.
She gifted the audience with
Wonderful "Stuff", again don't want to be a Spoiler.......
But a BIG Woo Hoo  for the Gifts !!!
I believe it airs  Monday Feb 20th., and  there will
be a way for people at home to Win the Gifts. 
As we left the studio we were told
that people would be outside waiting  in line for 
the next taping .... I guess they tape three a day.
(this day there was only two)
We were instructed not to reveal what
we had receive as gifts or say anything about the show,
as they might be thinking .... they were
going to be the 1000th show. :-(
Trust me ... people were asking all kinds of
questions on the way out ..... I just kept saying it was a
Great Show and walked as fast as I could to get by.
I felt like I was being rude but I did as I was told.  :-)
I had only slept three hours the night before so I was
pooped when I got back home .... Hubby had wine and
a candlelight supper ready for me ... what a Guy !!
I shared some of my Gifts with him.  :-)
Hope you all had a nice Day. 
If you tune in to watch the Show Monday,
Good Luck on Winning the Prizes.
  Blessings & Hugs from the Cabin ~ Connie xox


  1. Sounds like a great time! I'll try to watch the show and see if I can see you. Dawn

  2. Sounds like it was a fun and exciting time!! I'll also try to tune in on Monday -- is it possible we will see you in the flash mob scene?!!

  3. What a blast!
    Have a good night.

  4. Oh Connie ~ I can't wait to watch! Will you be on tv? I love Rachael Ray....she does seem genuinely nice. It sounds like you had a great day....and came home to a great night (sweet).
    Happy Friday!
    Love & hugs,

  5. How did I NOT know you were going...oh my...what fun!! Can't wait to hear all about it! XO

  6. You've inspired me to tune in on Monday, Connie. What an exciting day!

  7. That sounds like it was SO much fun. Sorry I missed the show. I really should turn on that t.v. sometimes.
    Hey... what kind of flowers are those in that pic ? So pretty ! Lovely blog.

  8. Hi Connie, not sure why you can't log on our new selling blog. Did you try Let me know if you are still having trouble. Thanks, Dawn

  9. Oh I'm so envious! I wish I had seen the show but we were up to my brothers and didn't get to watch it...darn.
    Now I need to know!!!

  10. Oh girl, I'm turnin' an ugly jealous pea green here. What a wonderful experience for ya.

    I'm so thrilled ya got to do this and that Hubs of yours...he's a real keeper!!! :o)

  11. Hi there Connie! I did watch most of the show and thought I saw you...but not completely sure? The camera scans the audience so fast.

    Hope all is well and you and family are doing good. Isn't it nice to welcome the sun and flowers of spring? Woohoo!

    Have a happy happy Easter.

    Love & hugs,


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