Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Friends,
Just Stopped by to Swap Howdies !!
Hope all is well in your little corner.
We are finally getting the snow I have been
hoping and praying for. 
I Love the way it looks, so Fresh & Clean.

It is also our source of income at this
time of the year,
so we are Very Happy Campers.
We are only expected to get five inches
and a warming trend tomorrow so I don't think it
will last long ..... we will take it and be Glad.

Not sure where I was or what I was doing in
1994 -1995  ................
Oh yeah I  was a wife, a Mother raising her boys,
keeper of  the Cabin and I was working part-time. lol
Anyway  I was unaware of the Christy series
enjoyed by many on TV. 
I went to the Library last week looking
for a few books to help pass the long January days.
I happened to walk by the movies,
and the cover photo caught my eye ....
the description on the back sold me.

This gentle and heartfelt drama was wholesome and
substantive television for families.
Based on the cherished book by Catherine Marshall detailing her
  mother's time in the Tennessee Smoky Mountains in 1912,
it is the story of a young and exuberant city girl who comes to teach
 in poverty-stricken Cutter Gap and the
manner in which it changed her life forever.

The complete series comes in a
four disk double sided DVD pack. 
It has provided us with hours of great period TV watching.
I never look at the movies at the Library,
(I will now)... so this to me was meant to be.  :-)
This snowy Saturday is a perfect day to
finish up our last disk .... although I really
hate to see it  end. 
If you are like me and missed this series ....  I
highly recommend it. It is also listed on netflix
but they are on individual disks so the library
is your best bet for the whole series. 
If any of you have suggestions for
other great movies or series I'd love to hear them.
Good Luck to my NY Giants tomorrow
we will be around the TV ... biting our
nails and cheering them on once again.
Wishing you all a Safe, Warm & Cozy Week-End 
Sending Blessing & Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox 


  1. oh what a sight to see!...the beautiful white stuff outside your cabin glad you finally got some snow!!


  2. Hi Connie!! Happy Saturday to another NY Giants fan!! Most of my family are avid Giants fans (although there are always one or two that HAVE to root for the Cowboys!)so we have been waiting anxiously for tomorrow's game! We, too, will be gathered around the t.v. -- my husband will not be able to talk to anyone due to his attention to every play... Don't ya just love Eli???!!

    I have never heard of the book/dvd called "Christy" either, but I will be on the look-out now -- seems like something I would enjoy.

    We are having a lovely snowfall right now, too. I have no plans to go anywhere, so it will be nice to stay in and stitch a bit!

    Hope you don't mind me sending shout-outs to Anita..... Neither one of us has a blog, but I know she reads your's -- so I like to let her know I'm thinking of her when I am visiting you! HI ANITA!! And Hi to Jerry, too! :) Love your blog, Connie, and the beautiful pics of your cabin -- so peaceful and pretty....

    Have a great weekend.....GO GIANTS!!

  3. Penny, Thanks for stopping by. And You bet "Go Big Blue" fingers & toes crossed. lol
    You always make me smile and I too want to say Hello to Anita & Gerry, if your reading, miss you guys.
    Janet I think we might be getting much more than they said we all ready have about seven inches up here on the hill. Paul has been out twice just to keep the road open and sanded. Looks like it will be a long night ahead for him. Me I'll be tucked in nice and cozy keeping the fires burning, and waiting for his return. I am Blessed !! xox

  4. Such lovely, wintery photographs! I am happy to hear that you are enjoying the snow, whilst watching a favourite film. The Mister and I have been taking pleasure in a family of white-tailed deer out back, purposefully pawing through the snow-pack for a bit of green...a most peaceful scene indeed.
    Wishing you a cozy, gentle, winter weekend Connie!

    Judy x

  5. Everything looks so clean and fresh. All we have here is pouring rain- all week. We did see a glimpse of sunshine today. I am going to check out the show, it sounds interesting. Have a great weekend, cheering on your team. (Go Pats- sorry I have New England roots ). Blessings ~Sara

  6. Hi Connie. We also got a little of the white stuff and COLD temps, but it is supposed to start raining here in Michigan tonight - and freeze. I see all of your wood piled up and I know that contributes to a very warm and cozy cabin! Enjoy, Dawn

  7. Afternoon Connie,
    Well I sit here as your team is playing - guess I will cheer for your team as long as our Packers threw their chance away...silly guys!

    We have lots of snow here too - although it's misting rain today. Winter is confused this year.

    I guess I don't remember the Christy series.


  8. Sending all the snow I can to you my know how I feel about it - I don't pretend to like it (as pretty as the yard, trees and birdhomes look all covered and glistening)..however - missed a day at the store on the weekend -yuck!! I did watch the Christy series on TV - I enjoyed it too! I am not quite thinking spring but another snowfall and I will be!! Sending if you get the chance. XO

  9. Happy Monday Connie! Love the view out your windows. I'll bet it's just as beautiful from the outside looking in! All of our snow is being rained on :( It's going to be in the 50's here today....what the heck! I'm sure alot of people will be happy about that (not me).

    Like you and others, I wish the Christy series would come back on tv. Mary (above) is right, it was on the gospel channel...they still have some good shows on there ~ Waltons, Wind at My Back, etc... One of my favorite series now is "Lark Rise to Candleford". I've watched all 4 seasons on youtube and bought my mom the dvds for Christmas. I really love it! Also the Cranford series might be at your library.

    Enjoy your pretty snow and have a wonderful week ahead!

    Warm hugs ~ Jenn

  10. Hello... So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by my blog..
    I read the book Christy years ago and loved it.. I did not see it on tv either so will check out the library..
    God bless...

  11. Hi Connie,
    I just loved that series! then i found two more in a bargin bin with another actress for Christy and that was just as good.
    I think Larkrise to Candleford would be a good series to look for at the Library.
    I enjoyed the snowy scene out your window.
    Many Blessings and Hugs, Linnie

  12. I used to watch Cristy...I lost the channel I suppose they were on but as you said they are wholesome
    and so good to watch.

  13. Love the view out your window! I have not seen that show either. Need to look it up

  14. Just saw your post this morning, Connie. Your home and surroundings always look so cozy and inviing, especially with a snowfall in the background.
    Thanks for the tip on the Christy series. I'm going to check it out.
    Weather here on the Space Coast is unusually warm and sunny for January. I've actually been waiting for a rainy day to get some work done! Florida has been embroiled in political theater these past few weeks and hubby and I are enjoying it all! Too bad we can't vote here!
    Take care,

  15. This series was a delight to watch. What a treat to be able to see them all in a row!


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