Saturday, December 31, 2011

HaPpy New Year !!

"Ring out the Old, Ring in the New,
Ring Happy Bells, across the Snow:
The Year is Going, Let him Go;
Ring out the False, Ring in the True"
~~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Here at the Cabin we are all settled in ...
The Fire is laid, the Pickins are made ...
Candles are place in each room as we wait for dark.
It's our Tradition to stay in on New Years Eve
and Enjoy a quiet evening as we
Ring in the New Year
May you Celebrate with those you Love,
in a way that makes you Happy & Keeps you Safe.
This is where I Sit When you Come
to Visit me .... or I go to Visit You.
I Thank each of you who stopped by in 2011.
I appreciate your visit and comments more
than you will ever know.
As we raise our glasses tonight I toast to
All of You My Family & Friends
May God Bless Us All and The New Year Coming.
Peace, Health, Happiness & Joy be Yours in 2012
And God May we Please have a little Snow.
Sending Love & Warm Happy Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox 


  1. Dear Connie ~
    Thank you for sharing a photograph of your cozy "visiting" spot! Now I shall always be able to picture you there...tippy-typing your lovely thoughts and messages.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Years Eve...may the year to come bring you fine health, love, and joy!

    Warm hugs,
    Judy x

  2. Happy New Years! May you be blessed abundantly! Love were you visit us from,just lovely.Yes I want some snow too not flurries at least a few inches.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. Connie it is wonderful to see where you sit when you are visiting us and vice versa! I could get used to a spot like that myself!!

    We are doing the same this year ~ staying in to ring in the New Year. The kids will come for dinner tomorrow and that is how I like it!

    Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy New Year!! Hugs!!

  4. Connie, I loved to see where you sit and write and think about things, it is a wonderful, peaceful place.
    I can know picture you there all the time.
    Wishing you a Happy Healthy New year to you family from my family with love.
    Prim Blessings in the New Year of 2012,

  5. Beautiful area in your home to do your correspondence!! Your pics are always so lovely.... such a warm and cozy home....

    Wishing you all the best in 2012! Maybe I'll run into you again at Aunt Daisy's (shout out to Jerry and Anita!!), and should that happen, I will introduce myself!!

    Have a peaceful New Years Eve/Day... Penny

  6. Oh Penny yes, Please do !! LOL
    Happy New Year to you & yours. xox

  7. Connie,

    Lovely sitting area ! It is wonderful !

    May you have a Happy New Year !


  8. snow!...yes please here too!! LOL

    Happy New Year Connie!...may it bring us all health and happiness!


  9. What a wonderful and peaceful posting spot. Blessings to you and yours.....I would love some snow too.

  10. Ah...the wills are at work...who shall be stronger me?? - with the will of NO snow or you my friend with the will of some snow???....should we compromise and have just enough for Paul to clear the roads and not enough for me to close the store !!! (and you to come visit)!!
    Wishing you the bestest 2012 - Love, Judy
    PS. Not a very pretty site where I come to visit with you...yours is just so warm and cozy no wonder you write such wonderful posts!!

  11. Happy 2012 Connie,
    It has been my pleasure coming to visit you and getting to know you and also touring your gorgeous homestead.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Have a blessed New Year

  12. Happy New Year, Connie. I'm praying in the opposite direction about the least until we get out of town. Last year we hit a blizzard along the Interstate in S. Carolina!
    Enjoyed your post and as always, your warm and wonderful photos.
    Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2012.

  13. Oh how I'd love come sit a spell in your cozy visitin' corner.

    God bless you sweetie and have yourself a marvelous New Year!!! :o)

  14. Carole, I have really enjoyed your blogging.I just discovered you today and so glad I did. Really like your wonderful cabin and all your wonderful decorating. I added you to my blog today. Jan Goos

  15. Sorry, I meant to say Connie. Jan Goos

  16. just came upon your blog and now i must go back a read it a bit. it looks like one i will fall in love with, at least i'm in love with this post! happy new year!

  17. 'Just droppin' by to wish you a great day sweetie!!! :o)

  18. What a cozy posting place. I'll bet your computer is hidden somewhere in that picture...I remember how you hid all those other modern technological things:)

    Wishing you the best year ever sweet friend. Happy hugs right back at you! Jenn

  19. Hey darlin', I just wanted to give you a great big thanks for your sweet visit and hoppin' on my blog.

    I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride!

    God bless and in the words of that wild and crazy Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now...ya hear!!!

    Have a terrific week sweetie!!! :o)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~