Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jugs & Crocks ~~

Happy Spring All ~~
Jugs, and Crocks, are some of my favorite collections. Years ago my niece Debbie and I would get up early the first Friday in May and head off to Brimfield, MA for the
outdoor antique flea market.

We would be prepared for an kind of weather....plastic bags for our feet in case of rain and mud (which in the spring we would most often encounter). Slickers to protect our bodies, layers of clothing underneath, and gloves in case our hands got cold. Sometimes it would be extremely cold and wet, other times we would shed most all the layers so that we could stand the blazing sun. And still at other times the wind would have the dealers running to protect their wares and hold down the tents for the wind would all but carry everything away.

This antique market is held out in open fields, we would walk miles and miles looking at all different style antiques.....depression glass, yellow-ware, trunks, firkin's, pantry boxes, primitive chairs and my very favorite .... jugs and crocks. We would repeat the process in the Fall, which is our favorite time of year, and we usually had better weather. I say usually because you just never knew.

The market is also held in July but its way too hot for us to attend. We were much younger back then and our funds were limited (some things never change lol) but we saved all year for these special trips and we always came home with a few treasures.

When we were done we would head into the town of Sturbridge and hit all the stores. some are no longer in business. We would grab a great lunch in a French bakery over what is now the HandMadien. Across the street was a great gift-floral shop Briar Patch, we always spent a good amount of time in The Basket Shop, Yankee Sturbridge Workshop, Yankee Candle, Uncle Warren's Country Store, The Seraph, Colonial Crafts, and the Tin Peddler in town.

We no longer do the Brimfield trip.....Deb still has a young one at home, and I'm not sure I could do all the walking I did back then...but we have our great finds and a trunk load of memories to remind us of our special Spring Outings. We talk about doing it one more time...and maybe we will... till then these are some of my favorite finds. Some of these are also from my days shopping and antiquing in Pennsylvania which I'm just back from. Hope there are things around your home, that bring back sweet memories and add to the special feel you have created.
Sending Warm Spring Hugs from the Cabin ~ Connie xox


  1. ~~Hi Connie~~
    I was just over at Judy's blog and saw your picture! You guys look great and so happy. I laughed because I always tell my sister-in-law the same thing about sticking out your chin to hid things - I have such a double chin and it really does work! Wish I could have been there. Did you hit all your other favorites?
    Have a great day today!!
    Lots of love ~ Jenn

  2. Hi, Great Finds. Do you live in MAssachusetts? I do, and I haven't been to Brimfield in awhile. Do you go to Angel House Furniture?

  3. Hi Connie!....totally love all of your crocks and jugs! have an amazing collection!....thank you for sharing such wonderful memories! Janet :)

  4. I love all of your jugs and crocks. Sounds like it used to be a lot of fun.


  5. Oh has been 20 years since I have been to Brimfield..hubby won't go back - way TOO MUCH for him - LOL!! BUT boy I would love to go...unfortunately it would have to be July...May is Herb Faire and September is, well SEPTEMBER..AND WITCHES !! Hey we can stand the heat - we are NOT that olde if we think we are NOT that olde. I know I could make a 3/4 day of it!
    Start planning....XOXO Judy

  6. That was suppose to say 3 or 4 days of it....not 3/4 day of it..XO Judy

  7. Oh my gosh, Connie! What a great collection! That's gotta be the best collection I've ever seen....
    I love all your crocks and jugs!! I especially love those brown ones.

    Have a Happy Monday!

  8. Those crocks and jugs are great!! You found some great treasures and created some wonderful memories! I hope you get to take another trip w/ your neice in the near future!

  9. You have a great collection of crocks and jugs. Your trips sound like they were so much fun. Whenever we go to VT our trips are zoom, zoom and zoom! This May will be our last trip to northern VT and I hope to be able to see some stuff along the way driving there!
    Enjoyed your posts.

  10. Just gorgeous - I especially have always loved the dark brown glazes. My mom has a think for crocks and jugs, and inherited my great grandmother's sets. Love 'em! Beautiful post - Thanks!

  11. Your memories of Brimfield are much like mine - though back then I never had the money for what I REALLY wanted. Now that I could buy a few more treasures, the knees can't take it.

    YOUR treasures are wonderful and look so perfect displayed in your Ct. log cabin. They make me smile.

    Have a wonderful weekend! hugs, Linda

  12. I enjoyed this post - you made us all feel a part of it - I could picture Sturbridge as you were talking about it....we've been there 3 times and want to go back...I think we'll have to do Brimfield as well now.

    Hugs, Karen
    My Colonial Home

  13. What an AWESOME collection!!!!!...I'd love to add them to my collection!!!...I so enjoy visiting your blog!!!..hugs,Jen

  14. Hi Connie!!

    Just a little hello to you. It's after midnight, I'm catching up on my blog reading and watching snow falling...what the heck? Hopefully it will be just a faint memory by Easter Sunday. Are you having your family over for dinner? I'm sure there is an easter egg hunt in the plans some where :)

    Hope you and the family are doing well. Wishing you a happy Easter.

    Warm hugs and blessings....Jenn


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~