Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter ~~

Good Morning its been awhile since I last posted, hope
all is well with everyone. Things have been busy here
at the cabin .... have had friends and relatives visit in
the last couple of weeks, hubby and I have spent extra time
outside doing spring clean up and I came down with the dreaded
stomach bug. Well I'm right as rain now.....but its Thursday before
Easter and I'm behind in my preparations

I did color my eggs yesterday with an elderly neighbor I sit with
twice a week, I made up a batch of what we call bunny
snacks, and have just finished writing clues for my granddaughters
egg hunt. I will have the girls here tomorrow for Good Friday,
and then the whole family for dinner on Easter Sunday.
I still have to plan the menu, shop for the groceries, tidy up the house,
bake the bunny cake, and the rest of the desserts. I also need to pick
up some goodies for their baskets and gift bags.

~~ Bunny Snacks ~~

Pretzels, Melted White Chocolate & Pastel M&M's

So the question you might ask is .......why am I sitting at the computer, lol

Well the list is a little overwhelming, and I guess I'm procrastinating
for another little bit. But mostly its because I love visiting
all my friends on line and I wanted to wish you all
A Blessed Happy Easter !!
Sending Big Bunny Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Happy Easter to you an your's my dear....dang the food looks good at your house! LOL Janet :)

  2. Hi Connie! So fun to see what you have been up to! And what a colorful and yummy post! :) I think my kiddos would really like the bunny snacks! And your colorful! We will be doing that this weekend too! Always messy but always fun! And you writing clues for an egg are making wonderful memories..I love it! Sorry to hear you had a "bug"..I am on the tail end of bronchitis. Have a very Happy Easter! Take care. ~Sarah~

  3. Happy Easter to you and your family. Your to do list, is exactly the same as mine, no kidding. I have to do all the same things, and I also am prosrastinating and sitting at my computer. What's up with that
    But, we will get it all done, won't we

  4. Hi Connie,

    There always seems to be so much to do for each Holiday! No colored eggs this year at my house. The grown kids do there own and no litle ones yet. I used to make the bunny cake too - that will be back on the menu someday too.

    I didn't get to the Seraph today, Chris's feet can only handle so many stores and she isn't it to period decor so I have to save that for a solo trip. It has changed so much recently!

    Did you hear there are new shops in Marlborough? I talked to the gal in NE traditions and she said the manager of the Sturbridge NE traditions opened a prim shop where the curtain shop was and other things are going in the barn. Chris and I hope to go there in May.

    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the fmaily time! hugs, Linda

  5. Thanks Linda for the info on Marlboro, I will have to check it out. That was always a favorite place to go shopping and lunch with my hubby so it will be great to head out that way again.
    Easter Hugs ~ Connie xox

  6. Happy Easter to you! Have a great time with your grandchildren, there's sure nothing like them! We get a break this year, my daughter is hosting Easter dinner - this is the first time I haven't had to do it. Should be lots of fun. Dawn

  7. Sounds like you have a wonderful easter planned! I love your bunny snacks - especially the idea w/ the pretzels! Happy Easter!

  8. Happy Easter to you, may you have a family filled wonderful weekend.

  9. Good morning Connie!
    I enjoyed reading this celebrate so fun and I like that you do this tradition with your neighbor.

  10. Hi Connie,
    Happy Easter to you and your family. We are still in sunny Florida and will probably be here until May. Hubby is having severe back problems so we're better off here where there's a medical facility on every corner. (Old folks' heaven!)
    I love your photo of the dark brownish easter eggs. I'll miss coloring eggs with the grandchildren again this year, but we're gathering together with family and friends here and going to Easter brunch.
    Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy the egg hunt with your granddaughters.
    All the best...Joanne

  11. Wishing you a wonderful Easter. Enjoy your family and your granddaughters, I have never had the fun of making Easter Baskets or hiding eggs with my grandchildren because they lived too far away. I would have so enjoyed that! It will be hubby and I and our ham dinner and my heart full of memories of when my children were young. Love your colored eggs!

  12. Hi Connie, I'm sure your busy hunting eggs with your grandgirls. I wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter. I hope its wonderful and full of sunshine and happiness.

    Big hugs and blessings!
    Love, Jenn

  13. Happy Easter! Your eggs are gorgeous! Such neat colors. And it looks like you sure have a houseful of wonderful treats. Spring is here! Yea!

  14. Thanks for the Easter Wishes Connie...Looks like you surly had your hands full today...Such Fun...
    Memories will be made...
    Easter Wishes & Happiness my Friend...

  15. Hi Connie...oh my are you showing your age or what with that BUNNY CAKE !!! LOL!! I forgot all about making it - no one likes coconut here BUT that never stopped me from making it!!(always took it to my Mom's where they loved coconut) Thanks for bringing back some sweet memories.
    Hope your Easter was terrific...Love, Judy


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