Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tansy ~~

Good Morning Friends ~~
I had so many emails inquiring about my Tansy picture in my last post ... that I thought I would give a little info on the plant. The common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is generally described as a Perennial Fob or Herb.

Tansy flowers are golden and appear in flat-topped clusters; the flower's shape is frequently described as "button-like." Common Tansy often grows to a height of about 3 feet with a similar spread. Tansy flowers bloom July-August. The foliage is feathery and fragrant. It is at this time of year I cut and group the flowers into bunches and hang to dry. I also cut back the plant because it looks ungainly, and does not hold up well in the heat. Tansy flowers tolerate average, somewhat dry soils (but not wet soils) and will grow in either full sun or partial shade.

Most people and garden books describe Tansy as invasive, intrusive, poisonous, and not worthy of space in your garden, I don't share this view as you can see. lol There are no small children left here at the Cabin, my grand-daughters who visit know all my berries, flowers and herbs, and all the related info pertaining to them. Our dog Dukie a large German Shepard has never shown an interest in any of our plants, so for us there has never been a problem.

The original Tansy Plant was given to me by a friend, dug right out of her garden. Which makes it even more special, I in turn have gifted a few friends with clumps from my garden. I love the look of the plant when it first starts growing, the flowers when they bloom, and the dried flowers placed all around the Cabin. I have decorated Christmas Trees with small bunches, I have them hanging in large bunches on cupboard doors and on racks. I also fill boxes and baskets with the dried bunches some of which I have had for years. So for me this "road side weed" as many people call it, gives me much Pleasure. The deer that roam our property also have absolutely no interest in the flowers or its foliage. :-)

So on this sun filled week-end I am sitting on my porch tea in hand, surrounded with my gardening books dreaming of what will soon be. I hope if you get a chance you will
plant a little Tansy in your yard. Wishing you a peaceful day, filled with thoughts of what ever it is that makes you smile.
Sending Warm Hugs form the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Hi Connie!....the yellow color of the tansy is very pretty indeed....I was telling husband just the other day that I would like a forsythia planted in the backyard because I love the color it produces this time of year....enjoy the warmth of the weekend up there in CT! Janet :)

  2. Oh how I wish my tansy would spread! LOL I can never get enough either. Isn't this weather a wonderful treat?

  3. Hi...That was a very informative piece of that lovely plant..Thanks for sharing..Hoping to see it in full bloom..Love, Cuz Jo xoxoxox

  4. Wow - they're really beautiful. I adore wildflowers. They look terrific in bunches and hanging. Reminds of the tons of Goldenrod we get growing wild here, but in the wet areas.

  5. I love Tansy too Connie...and sell the plants when we have our Herb Faire !! I was always told if the "cows" ate it they would get sick...??? Anyway this farmlady doesn't have any cows but lots and lots of Tansy!! Love your pictures - XO Judy

  6. Miss Judy ~~ LOL no cows here at the Cabin either, Im hoping the "lovley PA dill" you sent me home with last year.....springs up this year.
    Love & Hugs ~ Connie xox

  7. It is a pretty little flower!!

  8. Thank you for all the information. Some years back I grew a little bit of it. The deer will be my contenders this year, so here's hoping that they will not touch it here either.

  9. Hi Connie!! Isn't there a saying about "One persons weeds being anothers wildflowers"? Something like that. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder! I love tansy also. And they are suppose to deter insects and I've even heard mice. I have it planted around fruit trees and raspberries for that reason...I don't know if it works but I like it. Just like you said though it's poisonous and you have to watch kids. Somehow I always seem to ramble on your blog! I wish I could be sitting on your porch with you right now. Hope you are well as well as the family. I love all your St. Patty's Day pictures also. Thats it (I think) Have a happy day! xoxox Jenn

  10. Hi, I grew Tansy when I lived in Michigan, I should give it a try here, my flower gardens did not do well last year, this year I hope they come back like before. I tried to move plants to give some of the plants more room.
    Loved the brooms too!

  11. Hi Connie, thanks so much for posting about the Tansy - I do believe after looking at your pictures here that I have some dried Tansey hanging on my beams in my family room!
    Wish I had more now....just have one little clump.
    How pretty.
    Very informative.

  12. Years ago I was lucky to find a tansy plant at the local nursery. I was familar with it from seeing grow along the creeks in the Black Hills of South Dakota when I visited there. I was amazed at how beautifully it grew here in Eastern NC. I moved from my old home 4 years ago and I have not been able to find another tansy plant anywhere in this area. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I really enjoy your blog.

  13. very nice. Thanks for the post I am always looking for tips for drying flowers. It is also nice to know what flowers dry nicely.


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