Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Need To Sweep ~

I have a need to sweep.....the porch, the walk way,
the shed, the deck...just step outside, feel some
sun on my face and sweep away winter.
The Sun is Shining Beautifully today, we are down
to two standing rows of split wood left on the deck,
I think Spring cant be too far away.
The forecast for tomorrow is a mixture of snow & sleet.
If they are correct, and we get the bad weather the one ray
of hope this time of year the sun is warm, so
what ever falls wont stay around too long.

Hope wherever you are today, and whatever
you are doing you find a hint of Spring ~~
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Morning Connie,

    The sun is shining here too but it sounds ominous for Sunday night all the way into Tuesday. Just when the grass was showing. UGH!

    Love your pics - is that tansy in the box? And I love the textiles as well. There is alway something here to please the eyes!

    hugs, Linda

  2. Beautiful blog! Love all of your photos and decorating inspirations...Becky

  3. Isn't it wonderful these days where you can feel Spring in the air. I too have been sweeping the patio and front porch. They are calling for snow/sleet tomorrow night into Monday. I wouldn't mind just one more day of school closings for the girls :)
    My husband will be in your neck of the woods next week!!

  4. Connie~We just got 6 inches of snow last night!....and that is after a couple of days of upper 60s! So strange. But you are right once the sun comes out it won't stay around long! One last chance for the kiddos to have some snow fun! Your post is always your pictures are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care. ~Sarah~

  5. Hi Connie, I am wishing for spring also. All it takes is one good day. I love all your spring photos on your picturetrial...especially love the daffodils and the basket of daffs w/little peep. Your home is so welcoming and inspiring....I'm writing to Country Living!! Enjoy your sunny day today. Love and hugs...Jenn

  6. Hi Connie!....your pictures are a feast for the eyes as always, thank you for that! know me, I'm in no hurry for winter to leave, but I will agree, spring is just around the corner....have a great weekend! Janet :)

  7. Oh it's a nice sunny day here in least for the time being! I am so looking forward to SPRING...gee, I think I have said that one everyone's blog! :)
    I so enjoy your blog, and your pictures are just the best!

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  8. I loveeeeee the gold box with the drieds in it....what is it anyway??? It's beautiful.

    What are you going to do with the socks???? they actually look great on the fabric pile.


  9. It may get cold, we may have snow, but your photos really warm the soul, so lovely! They should be in a book.

  10. Thanks to all of you who leave me such sweet comments. ~~
    Linda & Karen It is Tansy in the mustard box,
    I have a few plants in my yard so each year I cut,
    and dry the flowers.
    The stockings usually hang with the old clothing. xox

  11. I love your mustard box and those dried flowers look great in it!! Perfectly prim...

  12. LOVE the fabric and socks..and your covered boxes below..
    Great blog..DEEnA

  13. Good gosh those broom are cool! Hope the weather was kind to you - we drove back through that storm today, and even down in the city, there is a TON of snow. Anyhow. I love coming here to look at your beautiful things. I'm going to have a new blog name starting tomorrow - but I'll be around!

  14. Well I've never heard the name Tansy, but I sure have seen it, so now I know what it is!

  15. Lovin the tansy!!! Do you grow your own????

  16. That mustard box is great! Enjoyed all of your photos and wishing us all a speedy spring arrival!

  17. Good Morning to you Connie!....yes it is going to be quite warm today....the last of the snow left us yesterday which is sad because I know it will be a long while before we see such a snow here again....but if it happened all the time like that it wouldn't be quite so special I suppose....have a wonderful weekend! Janet :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~