Monday, February 2, 2009

Ten Things I Love ~~

Well I'm joining in on the game ~~
Linda from Behind My Red Door ~~did a great job,

she listed and showed us pictures of
things she loves that started with the Letter H.
I posted I'd like to Play so yesterday .......

she assigned me the Letter L ~~ Thanks ~~ Linda.
Ten things I love that start with the Letter L ~~

~~Lilacs ~~
My Favorite Flower

~~ Lakes ~~
This is Bantam Lake in Connecticut
~~Lemon Meringue Pie ~~

~~Leaves ~~
Be They Green of Summer
or The Colors of Fall

Cross Stitch Wrought on Linen

~~Stack of Linens ~~

~~ Lincoln ~~
"It has been my experience that
folks who have no vices
have few virtues"
Abraham Lincoln

~~Lanterns ~~

~~ Log Cabins ~~

~~Lamps ~~

~~ Letters ~~
~~ Leather Books ~~
Oops I listed eleven I could have really
gone on and lavender, lace, ladies
pockets, lolly pops, laundry, laughter. etc ~
That was fun maybe you might want a letter,
so you can list the ten things you love.
I hope this lovely Monday finds
you happy, healthy, and cozy.
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin
Connie ~~ xox


  1. First of all I want to say how much I love reading your blog. The pictures you post are so beautiful too!
    Enjoyed reading your L list of things you love, and what pretty pics....thanks for sharing.
    blessings, kathy
    p.s. Linda is a good friend of mine and I found your blog through hers :-)

  2. Such lovely things you love! Neat pics - I'm especially attracted to the lilacs and the "old oaken buckets." Really cool. You must just have the neatest place full of wonderful things to look at.

  3. Connie-Great post-I Love your pictures. (another L word) Have a great Monday. We are still in heaven over our Pittsburgh Steelers winning. What a great team they are.

  4. Hi Connie,

    OH yes - each and every one was wonderful! I love all of those things as well. When CS asked me for some of my favorite quotes, I gave them several from Lincoln and one from Emerson and they used the Emerson one of course. I love love love lilacs and lanterns and linens and lakes - oh lake are my favorite place to be. I knew you would do L justice!!

    hus, L inda

  5. Hi Connie!....those are all wonderful things and of course your pictures are wonderful as well! Janet :)

  6. Connie,
    I love your list of ls. I love all of the same things. Have a wonderful evening.


  7. So many great things you listed under L! I'm partial to the log cabins, lemon meringue pie and lilacs! :-)

  8. OH Connie, I LOVE ♥ your photos and the things you love that start with the Letter L. I am going to hop over to Linda's place and ask her to give me a letter, I hope it is a good one!
    Have a great evening,

  9. My Sweet Cus...You give me so much pleasure by looking and reading your beautiful posts and pics...I still can taste the Lemon Meringue Pie you baked for me...Hugs, Jo

  10. Truly enjoyed your blog and love how you decorate!! I found your blog through Behind My Red Door.

    ~ Lisa

  11. Good Morning Connie, I've been reading through your post...just "L"ovely!! Hope you have a happy day today and all is well in Connecticut. I'm going over to read Linda's post now. I've never been to Behind My Red Door...a new blog to read ~ yea!!
    Love ~ Jenn xoxox

  12. Connie~What a "Lovely" post! All of your pictures are just beautiful! I love lilacs, the smell of them brings back so many childhood memories for me! And I grew up in a town with a big lake...I miss it sometimes! Thank you for all these wonderful images! Take care. ~Sarah~

  13. What a lovely post. All your "L" favorites are absolutely wonderful....and the photo's are so very pretty.

    Have a pleasant day

  14. Connie,
    I love Lilacs, can't wait to smell them through my window in the Spring's been a long cold winter here in the valley.
    I also LOVE Log Cabins, (smiling)

  15. Hi Connie,
    I don't know how I missed this post, but I did. Enjoyed it, as always. know how I feel about your pictures. Always a treat as well.

  16. I loved reading the list of things you are thankful for that begin with "L". I had the same letter too!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~