Friday, February 6, 2009

Hide & Seek ~~

Had a neighbor in for tea this week...we were discussing
the long winter....the fact that my hubby plows, and sands
the main hill out of the goodness of his heart....and the high
cost of everything this year. During the visit she needed a
few things, a tissue ~ the phone ~ and a visit to the power room.
Which leads me to this post. ~~~

We all love and need our modern conveniences
the toaster, the coffee maker, the mixer, the blender
the crock pot, etc ... but most of us primitive lovers don't want to see them. I tuck all these small appliances in cupboards, and cabinets to store them away, and out
of sight till its time to retrieve them, and put them to use. Some we use everyday others not so much. ~~

There are other items that we all have, and need such as
heat thermostats on the wall, the many telephones we all
have, the answering machine, the alarm clock,
alarm sensors, and key pads, door bell chimes,
electrical outlets, the list goes on, and on. ~~
All of these items are necessities, things that I wouldn't
want to do without, I just don't want to look at them day
in and day out. Here at the cabin...they don't look right
or fit in with the time period I am trying to emulate.
I know I cant make the cabin totally c1700 but I do what I can.
After all these years my family, and close friends are clued in and have no problem removing a box, a bowl, a picture....looking in a firkin,
a bucket, a barrel, a basket, or a tin can to find whatever they need.
My occasional guests on the other hand have stood in total confusion and somewhat disbelief looking for an item most have out in the open and readily available. This has made for some funny moments....and
some colorful comments. My neighbor did have all her needs met, and we shared a good laugh. The pictures below are a sampling of the way I hide and seek. ~~

An un-sightly outlet
Now you see it
Now You Don't ~~


Blah Toilet Tissue

Under the Box

Tissue Box & Telephone

Tucked Away in a Primitive
Blue Box


Why do they all come in white ?
Now You See It
Now You Don't

Alarm Sensor

Hidden by the Bowl
So much better

The Land Line & Red Panic Box

Both so out of Sync with the Decor

Now covered but right at hand

I know I'm not alone in trying to erase the traces of the
21 century .
Wont you share how you play ~~Hide & Seek.
Wishing you a fun filled, period correct day ~~
Sending Good Thoughts & Warm Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Connie - What a great job playing hide & seek. I love your items that you have displayed in each picture. Perfect & Prim - Love it!!

    Oh - I also wanted to introduce myself. I am new to your blog and just love it. Definitely a proud follower!!

    ~ Lisa

  2. Hi Connie! love love all of your tricks!....I have a question about the thermostat cover because I thought that thing needs to sense the temperature of the room in order to you find that it works as it should being inside a box?....I've always wondered about that because I think the cover looks so cool! Janet :)

  3. Great fun post! I think your primitive way of displaying is one of the best, so authenic! I love it and your home, it looks so peaceful and like stepping back in time, but done with style and a great eye, I like you do not have a lot of "clutter", each piece stands out and makes a statement, it is lovely. I do not know my style of decorating, mostly hand-me-down, found on the road, bargin, had for years style! Things I love and things that once belonged to other family members. I think I will call it Junk-Yard Chic! I tried once to hid the things in the kitchen, my family made more of a mess trying to find what they were looking for so I stopped playing the hiding game. The only appliance I leave it is the coffee maker, I would put it away after using it and then one day just stopped.
    Your home is great. I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the photos!

  4. Connie,
    I love how you have hidden all of the modern conveniences. My dh is starting to build me a few things & a microwave cover is on my list. Right now I'm on the hunt for a phone cover. I love wood throughout our home. I love your home, just prim perfect.

  5. Hi Connie,
    Honest to Goodness....your photos are magazine quality. Wow!
    You reminded me of Cathy...she's always trying to hide modernity as well. I haven't gotten very far in that regard but my new bread box holds and hides a lot of things that usually end up on our counters. I'm currently looking for a way to hide or paint the switchplate covers that are along the counters. I have my Buttery sign leaning there now, but it's not quite high enough to cover them. However, I like it there so I'm thinking of painting the covers to match the beadboard backsplash. We'll see.
    Take care. I really look forward to what you do each time you post.

  6. Connie~I loved this post so much! Your pictures are always just beautiful. And your clever ideas to conceal everyday objects are both ingenious and gorgeous at the same time! Your home is wonderful~so warm, cozy and inviting! I want to come and sit by your fire and chat. :) I myself complain about outlets and electrical cords on a daily basis. I am thankful for them but at the same time I think they are so ugly! But unfortunately a necessity and thank you for all the wonderful ideas to make them "go away"! Take care. ~Sarah~

  7. Gosh Connie, everything looks AMAZING! I sit here and drool...seriously! Ha! Alot of those hide items are pretty much laying around, I woulda NEVER thought to use them to hide my unsightlies:)

  8. Connie~
    I love this post...#1 because I love peeking at other people's homes. And #2 because I would love to hide a lot of modern conveniences too!
    Set me a place at the table, brew me some hot cocoa, I'm coming for a visit to your wonderfully cozy home. I will bring the cake!

  9. Hi Janet ~~ To answer your question about the box to cover the thermostat...yes it works great. The back is open, and the bottom is open, same with the toilet tissue cover it can also be used to cover the thermostat.
    Hugs ~~ xox

  10. Hi Connie!'s so good to know that the thermostat cover works normally being covered up, I've always wanted to ask someone who has one!....your pictures are absolutely wonderful! Janet :)

  11. Oh Connie what a fun post!! I hide as much as I can, but you do a much better job. Sometimes I figure being that this is a split bulit in 1975, I can relax on some things, but now, you inspire me to hide even more. I will indeed play hide and seek next week! In the mean time, I have to hide some more things now. I am really liking the toilet paper hidden like that. Gotta find me something to hide mine now.

    I love seeing pics of your cabin. More more!! :-)

    hugs, Linda

  12. LOL I knew you guys would "get it", cant wait to see what you all come up with. Linda the coffee make goes down under the cabinet
    in the kitchen. Hubby takes it out in the morning to make the coffee, I put it away when we are done after I wash it up. Its not real convenient but we have been here 23 yeas so my darling stopped complaining
    years ago. :-) Hugs ~ xox

  13. Really enjoyed your post, loved seeing how you hide all the modern conveniences! Your home is just beautiful, and you take great to see more :-)
    blessings, kathy

  14. You are such a creative soul - I love how you "hid" your modern conveniences! Your cabin is gorgeous!!

  15. This is great!! It's like magic. Hi Connie! You are cracking me up here. I've gotta show this to Dino...he thinks I'm crazy that I hide things ~ I love the toilet paper. My ugliest necessity is our doorbell inside. Because my house is from the forties its this big thing covered with a plastic box that looks like wood ~ I couldn't stand it...I put an old farm sifter over it ~ much better:)

    I always enjoy visiting you and reading your stories. Have a nice weekend...hope you get some sunshine! Big hugs ~ Jenn xoxoxo

  16. How ingenious...I was almost blown away with those pics and the way you made it all come together....Next signing deal...lotsa love & hugs, Jo

  17. Hi Connie, how fun was this post! love it.

    I hide most ugly things in my house too....think my husband wonders what he can find to hide me! LOL

    We saw the thermostat covers at the buyers show this past week and i almost bought one but our thermostat is too close to the corner/doorway. DARN....


  18. What wonderful ways to make things look so homey
    Love your home and your blog


  19. what a wonderful home you have! and great ideas! thank you for sharing :)

  20. Connie - you've given me a million ideas! I already have a thermostat cover, toaster cover - I really want a cabinet for the microwave - that's my next biggie to hide. Thanks for sharing with us!!!


  21. Great ideas and photos Miss Connie...too much work for me however! I need my coffeepot right where I can see it..the big old Kitchenaid mixer - you guessed it right next to the toaster and utility box with all the little necessities so I can cook, bake and drink my coffee...Won't say that when company (well important company) that I don't "hide" some stuff....BUT...I need my "hands on" goodies - I've learned to deal. BUT if I wasn't so lazy I would steal everyone of your unique hiding places....XO Judy

  22. What a beautiful blog you have! I am so excited that I came across it tonight and had to become one of your followers. :) It is just darling and I love all of the pictures that you have. Your "hide and seek" projects are just primfect! You are a very talented lady and I enjoyed seeing your creations. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to come by and visit my new prim blog at Farm Wife Primitives. It was just created last week and am looking forward to sharing ideas, pictures and projects with other prim lovers out there in blogland. :) It would be my honor to have you as one of my followers if you so choose.

    Happy crafting and many blessings,

  23. Oh I love these lil hideaways....great pics....everything is so beautifully placed Connie.
    I am with Janene...keep the lights on I will be over soon ;)

  24. I love your ideas for hiding those ugly outlets and things we have no choice in styles. I will have to start thinking about that when I am out thrifting. Thaanks for the inspiration.


  25. Hi, Love your site I have it saved under my blog. Great cover-ups. I don't know if anyone else said this already, be careful covering up your alarm sensor, It might NOT work covered up.

  26. Wow, first time for a visit and I love your ideas. I will be following you. I want to make some cover-ups now!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~