Saturday, January 31, 2009

Reading ~~

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.~ Mortimer J. Adler ~

I am the happy recipient of a pair
of bandy dandy new glasses.
My old pair had broken, and were
not comfortable to wear for
any extended amount of time.
Now that I am fitted with
new, and I must say more stylish
glasses I can resume
one of my favorite past
I'm now leaving for a few hours of
enjoyment at the library.

Reading makes immigrants of us all.
It takes us away from home, but more important,
it finds homes for us everywhere.~
Hazel Rochman ~

Of all the diversions of life, there is
none so proper to fill up its
empty spaces as the reading of
useful and entertaining authors.~
Joseph Addison ~
Hope what ever you are doing
can do it with a Happy Heart ~~
Sending Good Thoughts &
Warm Hugs from the Cabin
~~ Connie xox


  1. Oh Connie~I have to tell you that this post is quite the cooincendence! I just said to my husband today..."what does is mean when you have to hold things farther away to see them". And he said it means you need glasses! :) I am the baby of five kids and all of my siblings and both of my parents wear glasses... I have always bragged "except for me"! Maybe not for long. :( I have been having a little trouble lately, I suppose I should get it checked out. I guess my 20/20 is not so 20/20 anymore! Who knows if I have to get glasses I just may see a whole new world! Take care. ~Sarah~

  2. A beautiful quote from Addison, and beautiful photos as always. Just something super atmospheric about those old specs, isn't there? Neato.

  3. I can so relate to that! I am thinking I need new spectacles myself. I love all the pics and quotes. Just perfect!

    I hope you had the same sunny blue skies we did today - and a little warm up tomorrow. I'll take it!

    hugs, Linda

  4. The Library is where you'll find me most Wednesdays...I've set that day aside for my roaming through the aisles of books and far away places it takes me...I've always felt at home there curled up in a big old cushy chair...
    I am also the owner of Bifocals since I forgot to add the right amount of flour in a recipe a few years back!!!Always wondered about that!!!
    All My Best to you Connie...Marilyn

  5. Oh... honey chile, I know where you are coming from. Do enjoy those other pair of eyes...

    Hoping you a Wonderful, Book Filled Thyme at the Library...

    Hugs from Kentucky, Pamela

  6. Timely post for me, Connie. I broke my new glasses last night and my heart started pounding because I am so dependent on them. Luckily, hubby came to my rescue and fixed them even though we don't have the proper tools here in Florida. (I think it was a cheese spreader that he used for a screw driver!)
    As always, your posts are special and accompanied by beautiful photographs.
    Stay warm,

  7. Those are great pictures Connie! And a lovely quote too! Janet :)

  8. Hi Connie - how about the letter L!! I know you'll do it justice!!

  9. Great post Connie ~ I love to read too. I love going to our local bookstore and gathering some books and magazines with a big cup of coffee. Great way to find some great new books to read :)
    I just finished the Twilight series, my daughter is so in love with them. Now my entire family has read them. Great books for young readers and us not so young readers too ;)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~