Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Box ~~

" Peas in a Pod "
The story of the box......I have an interesting old box sitting
on my kitchen counter that I just love. Most of my
friends don't "get it" they never have....and they never will.
They dont understand my love of old things, and made to look old things.
Its okay by me if they think I'm a little strange, to surround
myself with odd, old, and junkie things.....I have always
said each, and every one of us should feather our nest the
way we see fit, the way we like our homes to look, and what brings us joy.
We should do this to the best of our ability. Some times we are dictated by
our needs, some times by the love we have for our family,
( big cushy recliner for hubby)
and lots of times by our financial situation. But even with those considerations,
when its time to purchase an item, we can choose things that make
us happy and bring us joy.
Back to the Box ~~
This fabulous .... in my eyes old wooden
box, was given to me two years ago by dear friends when
they came to visit for a few days. One of them Anita with
her husband Gerry own a store in Emmaus, PA called aunt daisy's.
Its a beautiful store filled with period furniture, smalls,
some antiques, and everything in between for the
colonial, traditional, and primitive home.
(if you are ever in the area please stop in)
My other friend Amy with her husband Dr. Dan "The Gentleman Farmer"
own StoneCroft Farm in Macungie, PA.
With their two daughters they work the farm, raise goats, and
sell delicious and wonderfully
Natural Goat Cheese ~ Flowers ~ and Herbs
We became friends over the years....due in part from us being
like minded about alot of things...
"Peas in a Pod" as Amy likes to call us.
This particular visit was a girls week-end here at the Cabin
they presented me with the box on their arrival.
Well hard to describe how excited I was but I guess it showed,
they laughed saying they knew if any one
would appreciate a chewed up old box with holes in it,
it would be me. And I surely did !!!
After a fun filled day of catching up, eating, drinking, and laughing,
we called it a night. After they went up to bed I stayed awake and
played for awhile. I filled the box with an
old bowl, bean pot, crock, and candle holder, ditzed with it till I
was happy with the look, and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
When the girls came down in the morning for breakfast they saw it
all made up. Of course they laughed and said they should have know
I would fill it up right away and rearrange the kitchen to make it fit.
They knew this because that's what both of them would have done.
This box is another favorite thing of mine that has a story and is
tied up with love. How lucky I am, that I have wonderful friends who
would spend time, thinking about me...and bring me
such a special gift from the heart. I am truly
blessed to look around the cabin and find traces of this in every room.
Miss & Love Ya Girls ~~
Hope today finds you surrounded if not by the people you love,
then the things that make your house a home.
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Oh, I get so excited when I see a blog update from you listed, LOL! I think it is a perfectly gorgeous little box, and I understand *completely!* My friends are always baffled when I explain that I'd rather have old things than new things.

  2. Hi Connie!....the story behind the box makes it special indeed, and I love how you filled and decorated it. It's so true, especially in these difficult times, that we find joy in the sweet and simple things. Janet :)

  3. Another wonderful post Connie. I love the story behind the box from your friend. In my new found love of antique-ing I find myself wondering about so many old things, what stories are behind them all? Where have they been and how were they used. It struck me the other day when I saw a very old worn and tattered (very loved) teddy bear and I thought where has he been, who did he belong to and how did he end up here? Old things are so interesting. They bring back memories and stir up thoughts and cause us once again to think of the past. Such a wonderful gift from your friend. Take care. ~Sarah~

  4. The box is wonderful! I love anything old. I too have many friends that will drop stuff off on my porch knowing I might want before they put it in the trash. i love those gifts. Its a sweet story you shared with us today. Dawn

  5. I love your box too and now you have great memories of the friends who gave it to you! There is something about worn wood that I like too!

  6. what a wonderful story to go with such a wonderful box!...Not only is the box a great find...but so were them friends!

  7. Connie-Love the box- are those mice holes I see. Priceless- You have a keeper indeed. It's nice to have such great friends. Have a great week.

  8. Oh Yes, Connie....an old worn box with holes in it. That says it all. It epitomizes the mind set of those of us whose hearts are touched by an old object, often unexplainably in the minds of others. The best part of your post was imagining you up late after your guests had gone to bed...playing with the box and finding just the right spot for it. I've been there many times!
    I always enjoy your posts and as I've said before, your photographs are spectacular!
    Stay warm. I see snow on the weather map up there!

  9. Hi Connie, oh the box is to die for...how perfect and prim - you were a very lucky recepient of this treasure.

    I like how you change it out with thing. I love playing with my treasures too - they do give me peace and I don't care what others think either. It's my joy!


  10. Hi Connie~

    I love little treasures like these...so special. I like to think about the people who owned it before and how they looked and what they wore.

    As I was reading your blog I'm thinking I've got to get to Aunt Daisy's then further down you mentioned Amy from StoneCroft Farm. I don't know if I told you but she order something from me at Christmas and is just the sweetest girl. Now that I know what's for sale at StoneCroft, I'm gonna have to make a trip there also ~ yum!

    Your blog is just so nice...I love your words and pictures. They are inspiring. Someday you should write your own book...I think you would do very well.

    Stay cozy and warm on this snowy/icy cold day. Love, Jenn xoxo

    ps. oh and the SEASONS book is the same as the one with the green cover.

  11. Goodness... what a Wonderful, Simple Gift from Dear Friends. I too treasure those things of olde.

    Thank you for your concern w/ the weather here. Hope things don't get bad there... you will be in my thoughts.

    Hoping you a Warm Evening, Pamela

    Oh, I do 'HOPE' for Spring! Chirp... Chirp...

  12. It is a wonderful feeling to look around our homes and see these special pieces that warm our hearts. I find myself thinning out many items in my home. Looking for a fresher cleaner look but there are some special items like your box that will always stay with me reminding me of that special day or moment or that special gift that someone blessed you with.
    I love your box!

  13. Connie--- Nice to meet you. Stumble across your website. Lovely pictures. I agree and totally understand about your box. Kind of like houses--- It's never the house that looks great--it's the love that goes into it. I think the rustic things have heart and a soul. They are things "cranked out" in mass production. They are objects that stand the test of time... I'll definitely be stopping back by.... Have a great afternoon.

  14. Hi Connie!
    I enjoyed this post, well I enjoy ALL of your posts!
    The box is great and the story of your friends makes it extra special!
    Sometimes my family looks at me as if I have lost it when I start to "play" around with my stuff. . .everything I own has a story and memory attached to it. One day I should write about a little cabinet I own and the blizzard of when I tried to get it to my car along with my then 2 year old daughter!
    Again, I ♥ your blog!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~