Saturday, January 3, 2009

Contentment ~~

"Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing." ~~

"Content makes poor men rich; discontentment makes rich men poor. "

Benjamin Franklin US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist,
politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)
May today find you at peace and well contented ~~
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Loved both quotes! Benjamin Franklin is one of my favorites! Love the song playing on your blog but it's warbled on my end - not sure if its my computer. Wishing you a lot of warmth in your cabin!

  2. That's very nice Connie!....what I love best about Benjamin Franklin is a little thing he and Thomas Edison put together....ELECTRICITY!....aint that a great thing?!....where would be be without it! LOL Janet :)

  3. I love this as well - Ben and Abe both said some mighty powerful things that today ring just as true!!

    Have a great weekend! hugs, Linda

  4. Saw your little cabin while visiting Shellmo. Loved the way it looked....spoke to me I guess. You have a nice blog.

  5. Dear friend you are filled with such inspiration...!!! I have to agree with "JANET" about the electricity!!! Many of the dolls Miss Barbara makes for the store have quotes from Ben Franklin written inconspicuously under their clothing...He was a wise man and you are a wise and clever woman!! XOXO

  6. Hi Connie, I just found your site through Judy of The Spice what you did with the Create & Decorate cover for her...what a nice thoughtful friend.
    Your Blog is alll the historical things you put in.
    I'll put you in my Favorites for sure.
    Hugs, Karen

  7. Hello Connie. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today for that has made me find yours. I've enjoyed my visit here...I'll be adding you to my "blogs I follow"..if you don't mind.

    I love the picture of your home that is in one of the post very cozy it looks. We too heat only with wood..we've not turned our furnace on in years. You are is work..but it's so warm and very satisfying that it makes it all worth it.

    Sounds like we have much the same weather..we had our storms and such on the same days..and my husband also plows.

    Looking forward to getting to know you.

    Take care,

  8. Hi Connie! You got me...I thought your magazine was a real one and tried clicking on it. After I looked closely at it I realized it was you! Hee Hee! And I really wanted to peak inside. Your talent is amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if your home was on the cover of a magazine one day! Have a lovely sunday afternoon. Love and hugs xoxox Jenn

  9. Hi Connie! what did you think of the show? can email me if you want to discuss, LOL ( Janet :)

  10. I like that very much Connie.
    Find Joy in this day-

  11. Connie~ Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for all of your kind words. You are very sweet. Your blog is just wonderful, it has such a warm and friendly feeling. I will be back to see you again. The pictures you have on here are beautiful. The Cabin looks like such a cozy place to call home. Happy New Year. All the best to you in 2009. ~Sarah~

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Two summers ago I had the fun of site seeing in Philadelphia and "walked" in the same streets as did Ben Franklin, I love Old Town Philly! I also agree about the electricity, what would we do without it, no internet to keep up with our friends!
    Hugs, Martha

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying, "Hello", Connie!....G'nite! LOL Janet :)

  15. Hi Connie....I wish you could stop by for tea also! We could get into a lot of trouble together if we lived closer I think. What fun! Someday maybe our trips to Lancaster will coincide so that we can meet up for lunch or something. Have a lovely day today. Hugs and love ~ Jenn


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~