Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year ~~

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors,
and let each new year find you a better man. ~ Benjamin Franklin

Here at the Cabin New Years Eve is a quiet peaceful evening.....filled
with good food, a bottle of wine and hubby & me beside the fire.
We rarely make midnight anymore preferring to turn in early so as
to start the New Year off rested and ready for what ever may come ~~

Wishing You All a Wonderful Happy New Year filled with
Peace, Prosperity, Good Health,
Love, & Happiness ~~
Sending Warm Winter Hugs from Connecticut ~~ Connie xox


  1. Connie,
    What a wonderful post~ I hope your New Year is ten times better than what you hoped for!! Thanks for being such a kind e-friend...
    Take Care,

  2. To You and Your Hubby...Joy, Peace and Happiness in your beautiful cabin always...Jo...xoxoxox

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family, love your blog and all the pictures, many blessings.

    Country Collections

  4. Your new years celebration is exactly my type of celebration! Hope your fire is cozy and your new year wonderful!

  5. Same here my friend....very quiet...we might take in an early movie tonight...depends on how "hard" we work today.!!LOL!! Great to have no expectations at year's end except for the dawn of a new year and good friends to share that year with! Life is quite wonderful and we are very blessed! To you - HAPPY 2009!!XO Judy

  6. Connie~

    Thank you so much for dropping by with a hello! I believe we are sharing snowflakes this morning! Enjoy a cozy cabin day and a Happy New Year to you! I look forward to getting to know you here!


  7. Connie...
    Happy New Year My Friend...
    May Good Health, Good Friends & Family be Yours...
    Stay Warm...

  8. Wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year! I really enjoy your blog and your home is lovely.
    May 2009 be a very special year for you.


  9. May His blessings fall abundantly upon you this year Connie.

  10. Dear Connie ~~~

    Happy New Year!! 2009 can you believe it?? It sounds like you and Paul had a nice quiet evening together. We were thinking about doing the same but then we got a call and ended up spending it with Dino's brothers family which was fun also just not as quiet :)

    I love your new blog background...I was thinking mine was too harsh and may change it but I love those browns also!!!

    Wishing you and your family happiness and good health this new year.

    Lots of love.......Jenn

  11. Connie
    Glad to hear your New Years was peaceful. We to just layed around and watched lots of movies. My hubby didn't make midnight. This year I did because of watching P.S.
    I Love You. Great girl movie. Have a super new Year.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~