Thursday, January 8, 2009

"Mi Lady"

This is one of my prized Theorem’s, given to me years ago by my Dear Friend Mary.
We had a rare occasion to get away for the day , had gone shopping and out
to lunch. We were at the restaurant at Marlboro Barn in CT. when I saw
this Theorem hanging on the wall and remarked how much I liked it. Mary called the
very next day and ask where she could purchase it…the lady at the restaurant gave
her the name of the artist. Mary contacted her, placed an order

and gave it to me as a surprise for my birthday.
I love the piece but it means so much more because of the thoughtfulness of my Friend.

The tag on the back reads: “This is a reproduction of an early silhouette done on velvet
By the Theorem Method. Maura P. Campbell ~~ Hingham, MA ~~ Circa 1800’s

It has hung in various places in the cabin and has always sparked conversions
to what is going on with the lady ..... who I have yet to name.
I'm not sure if the bowl contains
apples, red onions, red tomatoes, or red potatoes maybe even beets…
but my take at times has been …..
"Mi Lady" cant bear to peel one more.
I have also thought a good title would be
“ A Woman’s Work is Never Done”
Do you think she is feeling Stress, Weariness, Sadness, maybe shes just bone tired.
Could it be just outside our view, is a child or husband who has just tracked
in mud all over her clean floor.
Has she just finished reading a letter from a relative who
has broken some bad news from back home.
or just maybe its been a hard year and she is bowing her head
Thanking the Good Lord for the bounty in her bowl.
I know on different days I see different things. ……
What do you see ???
Hoping your day has great Potential to see all Good Things.
Warm Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox
Adding ~~~~ If anyone can offer help on why my copy always comes out messed up,
I would greatly appreciate it, my email address is on my picture trail. Thanks !


  1. Hi Connie!....What a wonderful and thoughtful gesture that was of your friend!....I see the lady peeling potatoes and just cannot bare the thought of peeling more as she glances down at the amount yet to be for your copy, not sure what it is you're referring to, I will email you. Janet :)

  2. I have never seen such a detailed theorem! It is wonderful! she looks like she is leaning in to do some detailed handwork maybe?

    I love Sadler's restaurant. I used to go to the Barn a few times a year and of course, lunch at Sadler's was part of the fun. It's too bad the barn closed.

  3. Connie, What thought prevoking picture. I love how you said you see different things on different days. And maybe that is exactly what it means. Sometimes we are thankful for all that we have, sometimes we cannot bear the thought of "peeling one more", sometimes we are so tired we feel like we just can't go on & sometimes we just need a moment to wipe our brow and take a break. The list goes on & on. I enjoyed this post very much. It makes one think to count your blessings no matter what. Enjoy your day. ~Sarah~

  4. She accidentally poked her eye out! Just too many apples.

  5. What a great friend - and what a great find! This is a perfect picture for a cabin!

  6. Hi, I just found your blog and really enjoyed your post, I love the great find your friend gave you...very unique. To me she looks like she was thinking of something sad and started to cry...maybe thinking of her parents that she hasn't seen for years.

  7. I think she's crying from peeling too many

  8. Oh... Connie, what a very thoughtful gift, indeed. What a friend that you have, they are so few & far between.

    Hoping you Many Blessings this January Day, Pamela

  9. Oh, the picture is lovely and does make you stop and think and wonder what she must be thinking or feeling. I see her as homesick, she has to finish this task, her heart is not in it and she longs to be home where maybe she helped her mother and she had sisters and there was so much going on and she misses all of that. . .or maybe that is how I feel!

  10. Hi Sweet Friend.....Why I know of her stress.... she is saddened by the fact that her trip to THE CINNAMON STICK was just cancelled due to the horrid snow storm on it's way to Pennsylvania!! (XO) True friends are a reward for being a true friend!! I am heartfilled to be one of your true friends...XO Judy

  11. Hi Connie - twice I tried to email at the address you gave me and it won't go through. Mine is hugs, Linda

  12. Good Evening Connie-I to believe at this point she has had enough. Looking at the apples to peel maybe reminds her of the layers in her life. Sometimes we have the stamina to do just about anything and other times we just have to hang our heads and think. Beautiful picture indeed. Such a dear friend you have.

  13. Hi Again Connie,
    Really enjoyed your last post. "MiLady" reminds me of myself when I have to peel anything!
    You've inspired me to start a blog of my own. I still don't have the hang of it yet, but I'm getting there. It's
    I'm going to try and write it in conjunction with my etsy online apron shop but also add some personal things about our home.
    Take care and stay warm.

  14. Hi Connie ~~ Hope your having a beautiful day, it's so pretty here with snow falling all morning. Just checking in to see what your up to. I just love your theorem. I can see why you love speaks to you. Our nephews are staying with us this weekend and I've just asked everyone what they see....A girl crying because she is cutting onions....A mom thinking of her sons at war and is sad....She is peeling apples and smelling one because they are so fresh. Kids have better insight than we give them credit for. Happy Sunday! Love, Jenn xoxoxoxo


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~