Sunday, December 28, 2008

Is it Winter or Spring ??

Good Afternoon Friends ~~
Hope all is well, and the day finds
you relaxing and enjoying some down time.
It was sixty degrees, and gray here at the Cabin
today. All the snow has melted and the stream, and
brooks that surround us have the same
rushing sound we hear at Spring Thaw.
I know this wont last, and more cold and snow
will come our way...but for today it was nice to get
outside without the fear of slipping on something
frozen...we may even grill tonight for supper.
The photo up top was just taken off my back deck,
what a Beautiful Sky ~~
Wishing You a Lovely Evening ~~
Hugs ~ Connie xox


  1. OH... Connie, what a BeaUTiFuL SiGhT...

    Can you believe this weather... So warm today here also, but like you said, I know it won't last. I have daffodils pushing throught the ground, LOL... the are just as confused as I am.

    Love all your new sidebar photos...

    Many Blessings 2 You, Pamela

  2. Hi Connie!....that is too funny about your Granddaughter taking pictures of bowls and baskets! what a hoot!....yes we are having a warm couple of days here and that is a gorgeous picture there off your deck! Janet :)

  3. What a gorgeous photo!! It was warm but overcast here in Central, MA. We still have some snowbanks but a lot of the snow is gone. I opened the windows because it is so rare that we can do that in December!

  4. how beautiful! I know i felt like i should be outside doing a spring clean up here today! Our temps were in the 70's!

  5. Good evening Miss was the perfect day to take all the Christmas down from outside at the store - very warm almost springlike here in PA...but everything looks so blah!! I will miss all the evergreens and holly - I'm afraid it will look quite boring on the porches till spring.. (sad face)...but a visit from you will brighten my spirits!!! XO Judy

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  7. Beautiful photo! And I always enjoy a winter barbecue!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~