Thursday, October 30, 2008

~~~ Happy Halloween ~~~

From Ghoulies and Ghosties, and
Long Legged Beasties, and
Things that go Bump in the Night;
..........The Good Lord Deliver Us.
++++ HaPpY HaLLoWeeN ++++
+++++++ OcToBeR 31st +++++++


  1. Connie...
    Just stoppin' by to Wish you a Happy Halloween AND
    ~Trick OR Treat~
    p.s. Great Photo...

  2. Goode Evening...

    Thank you for stopping in to visit for awhile today...

    Honey chile... I lovvvvvvvvve your blog also, love the oh, so PriM LooK.

    HaLLoWeeN BLeSSiNgs, Pamela

  3. Hi Connie....great poem and picture..Just remembered - is it a new camera? or did you fix the olde? Whatever - your pictures are perfect as always....HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU AND THOSE SWEET GRANDAUGHTERS...HAVE A FUN NIGHT! Love, Judy

  4. Hi Connie!! Hope your having a wonderful day. We had a great Halloween and are finally coming down from our sugar rush! I can't resist those Almond Joys! They are the healthest candy bar right? ....just full of nutrition :) How was your Halloween? You'll have to send me a picture of your granddaughters in their costumes.
    Enjoy this lovely day...I see your weather looks the same as ours! Big hugs and blessings from PA ~ Jenn


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~