Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Old Log Cabin ~~

The Old Log Cabin ~~~ the Swallows Nook.
With Thoughtful care Bestowed;
The Rustic Bridge, The Babbling Brook,
The Pen-Stock by the Road;
The Maple Trees where every Morn.
The Birds sang o'er and o'er;
The Golden ears of Ripened Corn,
That hung beside the Door.
May Peace and Love Reside
Wherever You Call Home ~~


  1. Connie....that was beautiful to read...I love poetry and even pretend sometimes I am a poet...silly nilly gal I am! Have the bestest week - Love, Judy

  2. Just stoppin' in to wish you a wonderful weekend & Happy Hallow's Eve!!!
    P.S. Love your photo's on your PT

  3. Hi Connie~ Love this! The picture and the poem. Wish I could move that to my house. Hope you have a fun Halloween with your granddaughters. Have a wonderful day! Love, Jenn xoxoxo


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