Monday, November 3, 2008

~~ Christmas in Connecticut ~~

Tonight I pack my bags...for in the morning I head off to make
Christmas in Connecticut.
I am going to a friends store....Tessier's Changes of Thyme. Its a beautiful shop located in B0lton, CT .... I will be staying with the owners, Norman and Jerrie Tessier in their c1700's historic home, located right next door to the shop. During the day Jerrie and, I with the help of Norm, will work merrily to turn the shop from Harvest to Christmas. When each day is done and we return to Jerrie's lovely old home, we will sit in her room of choice, lit by candles, surrounded by her beautiful furnishings and antiques. We will keep warm by a roaring fire, good food, wine and wonderful fellowship. Hopefully we wont stay up too late talking....for tomorrow is another day. On and on we will go till the appropriate time when we open the doors to Old and New Friends alike ..... and usher them in to see Christmas in Olde New England ~~ I'm excited and blessed to be going to ..... create, and experience some Connecticut Christmas Magic ~~
November 7th *** 5:00pm to 9:00pm ***
All day Saturday and Sunday ~~
To All My Friends **** Having their "Christmas Open House"
this week or weekend ~
I wish You All Good Times and Good Sales ~~
Warm Connecticut Hugs ~~ Connie xox


  1. Connie...
    I wish you the Best Trip...Funny, I go each Every year and I even received my Invite a few days ago...I remember when the house was decorated inside and the Open House was there...goes back a bit...It's surly a beautiful ride up there...Have yourself a Lovely Time my Friend...

  2. Oh... how I wish I could be there. It seems so warm & cozy there in Connecticut. I might have to make a visit there someday...

    Have a safe & wonderful trip to & from. Make many memories to share with us upon your return.

    Many Blessings 2 You, Pamela

  3. Oh my friend have a lovely time. I wish I could go with you :) Tessiers looks like such a wonderful place to visit. It's on my list as are you if I am ever up that way.

    Hugs and blessings for a safe trip. Jenn xoxo

  4. Thank you for your kind wishes...and can't wait to "swap" Open House stories...Wish I could join you - sounds delightful! Love, Judy

  5. Connie-When I saw Christmas in Connecticut it reminded me of my mom at Christmas time. That is one of her all time favorite movies. I hope you have a wonderful time helping your friends and enjoying the company.
    Have a safe trip

  6. hi

    nice blog hope you enjoy chrismas

    see you later


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