Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December

Hello December ..... Nice to see you
Come & Stay Awhile
For We Need to Make Memories.
The Weather was Mild
The Skies were Clear
We Cut the Tree and it's in it's Stand
All is Well here at the Cabin.
~~ We are Blessed ~~
The wood is stacked, the stove is on
we are ready and waiting
for the Snow to Fly.
Hope all is well in your
little corner of the world.
EnJoy the Anticipation & the Preparations
Blessings & Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Everything is so pretty Connie. Could sit by that fire and chat forever. Enjoy the holidays

  2. Evening Connie, oh I love your cozy home, so beautiful. The tree is so pretty, I also could make myself comfy by the fire there, so inviting, Happy December, Francine.

  3. Connie everything sounds just perfect. I want to come sit by that wonderful fire... Winter blessings to you!

  4. Connie your tree is beautiful as is your home. Very welcoming.
    Merry Christmas to you

  5. Ladies,
    Thanks for visiting, even after all this time I don't
    know how to comment back to each of you,
    under your comment. :-(
    I will tell you, I wish you could all come sit by the fire
    for some tea, a goodie & a chat.
    Oh how Sweet that you be. xox

  6. the feeling the pictures you post give... THATS why I love prim! :) you are blessed!

  7. So warm and cozy!!! Just lovely! Merry Christmas to you!! hugs!

  8. So beautiful... a wonderfully warm and inviting room... and the tree is just lovely. Always love seeing photos of your home!!!
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Elisha, Jen & Penny ~~
    Thanks for the sweet comments.
    Merry Christmas !!!
    Hugs ~~ xox

  10. Connie, your home is prim warm and inviting... Sending greetings from Maine...

  11. All so beautiful and peaceful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  12. Julie & Martha,
    Thank You for stopping by.
    Merry Christmas to you & yours.
    Hugs from the Cabin ~ Connie xox

  13. So warm and cozy Connie. Love the pics.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  14. Oh my I stopped by to visit and so blessed that I did!
    What a welcome, cozy cabin!
    I will stop back ....

  15. Janet & Lori ~~
    Sweet Comments, Thanks
    for stopping by.
    Merry Christmas !!
    Blessings & Hugs ~ Connie xox

  16. Hi Connie,
    Absolutely beautiful again. Wishing you all the Peace and Beauty and Warmth of this joyous season from Wisconsin.

  17. Good heavens, it seems as though I completely missed this post!!! But alas, here we are, visiting one another, by candlelight, in your cozy is a delight most truly!
    I wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with much joy and special blessings.
    Sending fond hugs your way...
    Judy xo

  18. Hi Connie!...I haven't looked at anyone's blogs for ages! I glanced down my list and saw your post...what stunning photos as always!...looks like you are still in the cabin!...I can't believe how long it's been since we've caught up, time has really gotten away...I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!! hugs!!

  19. Happy New Year, Connie. Everything always looks so warm & inviting at your lovely log house. I've slipped away from blog life lately. Can't seem to find any quiet time. So it was nice to see a new post from you when I checked in today. We are heading south next week. Looking forward to some beach time and healing my poor chapped hands! I'll be stopping by to visit our mutual friend whose home is also always warm and inviting. Have a cozy winter. And keep those lovely photos coming. Joanne

  20. Happy New Year to you and your family from the state of Washington - Steilacoom to be exact. We are cozied up in our motor home at Travis Air Force Base in California for a few more days before we move on to Casa Grande, AZ to meet up with many long-time friends. Your photos and prose are always a delight. Helen and Ken Kirkwood


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~