Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Fall ~~

Happy Fall Friends
What a Beautiful Day we have been Given
The Sun is Shining, the Wood Stove is barely
Burning and the Crock Pot is Simmering, 
We are Blessed.
I hope all is well in your little corner.
I know it's been awhile .....
I do hop around and visit now and then,
but I must admit I am Hooked on Pinterest.
My DH laughs and says looks like
a Big Waste of Time ..... but something
draws me back each and every day.
I have to log on here before I visit you guys,
and the Christmas Pictures were just killing me.  :-)
I needed to switch to Fall
My Favorite Time of the Year
Last night the sky was so clear, and
the Moon was so Pretty ... but tonight
is the night .... the Full Moon a Harvest Moon.
Hope you can take a minute to peek.
I can never get a good
picture but I'm sure someone will. 
Warm Days, Cool Nights,
Apple Pie, Hot Cider, Sweaters,
Bonfires, Hot Chocolate, Pot Roast Dinners,
PumPkin Bread, Burning Leaves, Corn Stalks,
Hay Rides, Mums & PumPkins
One more year with this old wagon
it has been refurbished once again.
Thank You My Darling.

May your Autumn be filled
with all good things.
May you & yours be healthy,
happy and safe.
Keep Smiling
Sending Blessings & Hugs
from the Cabin xox


  1. So nice to see a post from you!!!
    Missed you...and you have some great photos.
    Lucky lady to own that cool wagon.
    I am ready for Fall, I guess. I really love the Summer months and the long days.
    Take care....

  2. Evening Connie, I missed you too, it's been to long but I do understand about Pinterest, I while away the hours looking on the primitive sites......Love Fall and all your wonderful displays, the wagon is beautiful......Fall Blessings Francine.

  3. Morning Connie...welcome back...missed reading your posts.
    This was a lovely one with all the pictures of Fall. Also my favorite time of year. I like the changes of seasons but if there weren't changes it could stay Fall all the time.
    Pinterest....LOVE IT...but haven't been on in ages. Now you have me NEEDING to head on over ... se ya!

  4. So glad to see you on here again! I always enjoy your pictures so much and this time was no different. I need that wagon in front of our new shop!!! Hope you are having a wonderful fall, Dawn

  5. How wonderful to see your new post!!! It's like an old friend visiting!! I know what you mean about pinterest! I'm a bit addicted myself...hee hee

  6. It is delight to discover a post in your corner of the land!
    Your autumnal photographs a lovely indeed. May your days be filled with beauty, and all that gives you joy!
    Sending hugs your way...
    Judy x

  7. Happy first day of Autumn Connie!!...I hope you've got your pumpkins! :)

  8. Hi Connie! Everything looks beautiful as always. It's so nice to see you. I've been a little neglectful of my blog also. It just seems like there is so much to do right now. Pinterest is definitely an addiction!! It's like your own little magazine for inspiration. Enjoy this lovely season. I'm calling this morning to make reservations for our "favorite" place. I can't wait to get there! Love & hugs ~ Jenn

  9. Just found your blog while searching for others with my primitive sensibilities. Love your photos and hope you will post again soon.

  10. Hi Connie...Missed you too, although I've been a bad girl myself and have been neglecting my blog. I find I get tied up on Facebook, checking pictures of our grandchildren and their escapades, etc. as well as keeping up with friends old and new. I did create a Pinterest account but I don't even seem to have time for that! Enjoying gorgeous Fall weather here on the Cape. Spending many hours mending the fences and touching up paint. Always something! Enjoy your beautiful, cozy home. As always, your photos are wonderful. Fondly, Joanne


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~