Monday, November 28, 2011

Life is Good !!

Life is Good ......
"The happiest moments of my life
have been the times which I have
passed at home in the bosom
of my Family"
~~ Thomas Jefferson
Oh how I concur.

~~~  Friends are Wonderful  ~~~
Family ~~ Life's Blessings  


Newly purchased this year

Scented Pillar with LED Light 
The Cinnamon Stick
Hereford, PA
It's been a  busy few weeks at the
cabin and at the  shop.
Decorating for Christmas ....
what fun that is ....  a bit of green
here and there ...... some holly,
juniper berries and winter berries.
make the every
day look so festive.
Small Antiques, Candles  and Christmas Sprays,
have all been going home with
Friends and Family. 
I am so very Thankful to
everyone who has visited and purchased.
It allows me to continue my passion.
With the decorating done, its now
on to shopping, wrapping, baking
visits with friends, quiet times
in front of a roaring fire, a few 
of our favorite Christmas movies
and trying to be in the Moment.
I hope you are enjoying all the Season 
has to offer .... for it passes so quickly.
"He is the happiest,
be he King or Peasant,
who finds Peace in his Home"
Sending Blessings & Warm Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos!

  2. Beautiful pictures Connie. I finally got a chance to decorate at home today and it feels so great with the candles and tiny white lights. Enjoy every moment, Dawn

  3. Wonderful pictures, wonderful sentiments! Enjoy the blessings and pleasures of the season!!
    Warm hugs!!

  4. Connie your pictures are always such a pleasure to look at...I can close my eyes and almost see what your special cabin looks like this time of the quote about being happiest in the home...that's us for sure!


  5. Yes just like Janet said "such a pleasure". Everything looks so cozy and welcoming and BEAUTIFUL! I'll bet it smells heavenly also! I've got a little done with my decorating, enough to satisfy me until I can really get into it. Seeing your post makes me want to stay up all night and decorate though!

    Happy hugs Connie!
    xo Jenn

  6. Hi Connie,
    I come to your blog because it represents all the warmth that I so love from a earlier time. It is the feeling that you are truly a kindred spirit and that we could have been friends at any time in our history.

  7. Beautiful post as always, Connie.
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year.


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