Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy ThanksGiving ~~

The day is cold and gray .... but as always its toasty warm
and cozy here inside the Cabin.
I'm up early today doing my regular chores,
just now sitting with a cup of tea before
I start my holiday prep.

My List is made and I will check off each task as
I finish on my way towards Thanksgiving Day.
The crowd has grown bigger, and
our solutions is to turn the family room
into a tavern room with three separate tables. 
We may not be able to sit at one
table but at least we are all in the same room,
as we share grace and this traditional meal. 
Yesterday I made table arrangements for each
table, and created my turkey butters.
(Jenn as you requested ) 

Today I will bake what I can in advance,
pumpkin pie, chocolate chip bars, cheese cake,
and chocolate cake. 
I plan on chopping  vegetables
for my stuffing , and will choose napkins
and dishes for each table. 
I so Love this Holiday ...
(no gifts involved and lots of baking)
Apple Pie made & baked
the day of.
I know how Blessed we are
and I Thank God each and every day,
for our Friends, Family, Food, Home 
our Health, and our Country.
May the day find you 
surrounded by those you Love
all in good health ....
Sharing Good Food & Good Times.
Wishing You & Yours a
Blessed Happy Thanksgiving !!
As Always I Thank You for stopping by
to read or leave a comment.
Sending Warm Thankful Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Hello Connie! Your posts always make me happy. It doesn't hurt that you added a picture of that lovely apple pie and somewhere tea is mentioned....hook line and sinker! You need to be posting a picture of your turkey butter. I think I may need to find a new mold. My mom would love to have that on our table. We do love our turkeys! Lydia just found out that "Tom" turkey means its a boy not his name lol! Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving with many blessings. Sending big hugs! ~~ Jenn

    p.s. There's a lot of adult A.D.D. going on in this post! I write it as I think it :) xoxo

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones as well. Simple sweet holiday decorations, love them.
    We had our Thanksgiving Celebration this past Sunday as that worked best for everyone.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Connie!!
    I just sat down at the computer for a few minutes after working in my dining room... cleaning and trying to get things just right. While I don't particularly like to cook (I do like to bake), I love Thanksgiving! Tomorrow I will try to get as many things cooked as possible ahead of time. We have a small group here, and my sister hosts the whole family in the evening for dessert (I am one of seven, so that's quite a crew when everyone's together!). It's a wonderful tradition for us!

    LOVE your table arrangements!! Just beautiful.....

    Have a blessed holiday!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family Connie!...it sounds like you're preparing a fabulous feast!!...and the cabin will provide the perfect ambiance...thank you for sharing the pretty pictures!


  5. Connie, your simple decorations are perfect. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all that gather at your tables.

  6. Dear Connie...Oh my, you have such delightful festivities in the making...and such a cozy spot for a gathering. I am quite certain that much love and enjoyment will be had by all.

    Wishing you and yours a most blessed Thanksgiving!

    Ever warmly,
    Judy ox

  7. Everything looks so festive. I love the idea of the tavern setting. That sounds like fun. Enjoy and Thanksgiving blessings to you!

  8. Did you catch a glimpse of me sitting by the fire and sipping hot coco with you? Yep, I was there...then I had to leave...warmer weather here was calling...lol...love your fireplace, I have a similar one, but we don't use it much...so I keep it decorated...enjoy Thanksgiving...we should all be thankful for God's Blessings to us....Mel

  9. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Connie - and your family. Your "turkey" butter is amazing! What a great idea to use three tables in the same room, you'll have to share some pictures with us. Hope you all have a peaceful and a day filled with blessings, Dawn

  10. Your words paint a lovely picture of what Thanksgiving should be!! A lot of my prep will be done tomorrow but we are bringing the food to my folks Thursday so we can all be together as they can't make the trip here anymore and I think it will be their last Thanksgiving in their own home. We want to make it as special as possible.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful day filled with love, laughter, food, family and faith! Warm hugs!

  11. HAPPY THANKSGIVING CONNIE AND PAUL! Sadly I will admit my cheesecake came from Costco...yikes..but it really is good (had a sample)! Cole slaw made early this morning before work and the rest tomorrow morning. We go to Shannon's and she will have a houseful, but everyone helps and the women have a good time in the kitchen telling tales and reminicing of Thanksgiving past. I love this holiday too! Sending love, Judy and Tony

  12. Happy Thanksgiving, I love your photos! Blessings!

  13. Judy ... we have cole slaw for Thanksgiving too my husbands family tradition ... being Italian I had never heard of that as a side dish for the holiday, now I know two families. lol
    My DIL brings it from a restaurant in town,
    I have tried to make it numerous times but never
    tastes as good as theirs.
    Mel ... next time let me know when you are
    coming so we can have a nice visit. lol
    Dawn ... I posted a pic of the "tavern room". xox

  14. That wonderful big room looks so cozy all set for your meal but those butters. I have never seen turkey shaped butter. How perfect.


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