Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow ~ Snow ~ Snow

Afternoon All ~~ Came to change my Blog
over from Christmas to Hearts ......
Found out I don't have as many Hearts
as I thought I did. 
As we speak we are Waxing up the Snow Boards,
Skies, Sleds, and the Shovels here in CT. 
We have  another foot of snow coming our way. 
Sorry Miss Judy !!

I say woo hoo but that's cause I get to stay in
and watch the snow fall from the comforts of the cabin.
Love when the trees are heavy with snow and the
ground is covered in white.  I'll place another log in
the wood stove, a few in the hearth .... light the
candles, and if its the proper time of day,
pour a glass of wine.
Life is good .........................
The snow (plowing & sanding) also allows us
to pay our mortgage & eat during the winter
so hip hip hooray !!
Hope you are all safe & cozy and enjoying as
best you can what God & Mother Nature
deems to send our way.
Sending Blessing & Warm Hugs ~~ Connie xox


  1. we got nuttin outta this one down here, just a little sleet, I'd rather not have sleet at all so little or none of it is fine with me cuz I WANT SNOW!...stay safe, warm, and cozy!


  2. We are waiting for it here in Maine. The kids and I are hoping for a snow day tomorrow. I actually like snowblowing the driveway, it reminds me how lucky we are that I don't have to shovel it all!!!
    Come on snow!!! We are waiting for you!!!!

  3. We are waiting for 6 inches.Fingers crossed.I love the peaceful coziness after a fresh snowfall.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. It sure is pretty! We have gotten about 4 inches today.

  5. Just started snowing in PA (Hellertown)@ 6:30 p.m. I would rather not have any, we have a antiques show this Friday & Saturday (1st time setting up),we load into the venue on Thursday,but you can't stop Mother Nature. Have a good evening.

  6. It's been snowing here in Michigan too and is so pretty. Glad I only have about a 2 mile drive to the shop though. Enjoy the peacefulness and quiet of this time of year (and your glass of wine). Dawn

  7. We have lots of snow here in good ole Ky! I love it too! I love a woodburning fireplace. Enjoy and put another log on the fire for me! Blessings!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Seems frigid is the word of the day every where in blog land. Your words of warmth from your cabin is keeping us all cozy, "putting another log on", I can feel the warmth here too. Thanks blogging friend.
    Take care,
    Mel's Cabin

  10. So happy to know that you are warm and safe in your cozy cabin. It has been snowing here for the past 24 hours...the snow faeries are dancing about quite happily indeed!

    Warm hugs...Judy ox

  11. I opened the store today in spite of the snow...it was an easy snow to shovel - and BTW I recognize some of those hearts on your sidebar (there are alot more where they came from) !!!....Glad Paul is out there plowing away so you can eat...(big smile)...Your Connecticut woods are quite beautiful in their snowy glory - but I am ready for Spring!!!XO

  12. It certainly is beautiful Connie. Nothing better than watching it from a warm home. Wish I was there sharing a glass of wine with you :)
    So happy Paul is working. Life is good. We had a sheet of ice here, cars were sliding everywhere.

  13. It certainly is beautiful Connie. Nothing better than watching it from a warm home. Wish I was there sharing a glass of wine with you :)
    So happy Paul is working. Life is good. We had a sheet of ice here, cars were sliding everywhere.

  14. ~Sure looks pretty, Connie.
    ~We drove through ice in the Carolinas on our way down here but once we crossed the FL border, the sun came out and I had to take off my long underwear! Coolish here but clear and sunny each day.
    ~Stay warm and cozy. You're in the right setting for snow with your cozy log home.
    Fondly, Joanne

  15. Very Cool..All the Snow I guess New England has made up for (BUT All at once is a BIT too much)
    Just DON'T be under one of those Trees when the Snow decides to come down...
    Wine always sounds nice by the Fire...enjoy a glass for me also Connie...

    Much Happiness For you Under the Sun...


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~