Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas ~~

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
                                                    ~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Beautiful Heart Ornament
Schneeman Folk Art

The days are short and the last preparations
are being made to greet Christmas Day.
As I move from task to task I am ever mindful
and grateful of all our Blessings ..........
Our cozy cabin in the woods,
the warmth & comfort we enjoy from the
 fires we have burning,
the meals I have  planned,
the many desserts I have baked
and the  family & friends that are with us
always in good times & in bad.

Wishing All of You, My Dear Friends
A Blessed Merry Christmas
Filled with Love, Laughter, & Joy
May You find a renewal of Faith & Hope
May You be Surrounded by Those You Love
 May Your Heart & Home
Be Filled with the True Spirit of Christmas
Today December 20th is our oldest
Grand~Daughter Taylor Lynn's 10th
Birthday she was and is the Best
Christmas Present we could ever receive.
Happy Birthday My Christmas Angel.
Sending Blessings & Warm Christmas Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. A very Merry Christmas to you my special friend and Happy Birthday to Taylor Lynne!


  2. Merry Christmas Connie and a very Happy Birthday to Taylor Lynne! I hope your celebrations are full of love, light and laughter! Hugs!!

  3. A very Happy Christmas to you too Connie. Wish your precious granddaughter a very happy bday.

  4. Here's hoping your
    ~Christmas Angel~ had a Most Fantastic Birthday...

    All my very Best Wishes to you & yours this Wondrous of Seasons...
    Celebrate the Love, Laughter & memories of Family at your Table this year...

    Merry Christmas Connie

  5. Connie...Wishing you and yours a Christmas overflowing with Peace, Light, Love and Laughter!


  6. WHOHOO !!! I finally can get on your blog...thank you for changing your background...although phone calls are great (hug) I still love love love looking at your beautiful pictures and reading your sweet prose! Happy New Year my friend...wishing you the best of everything for 2011 - health, wealth and happiness! XO, Judy

  7. You have a warm, beautiful blog! Eye candy for the soul! Have a fabulous New Year!
    Take Care,

  8. Hi Connie!! I hope you had a nice Christmas. Sorry I've been so absent lately. I LOVE all your Christmas pictures. Wishing you and your family lots of love, good health and happiness this New Year 2011.
    Hugs and blessings to you my friend
    ~ Jenn

  9. Your little cabin looks so warm and inviting. Just the perfect place to enjoy the season. I hope your little Taylor had a great one~O as my grandkiddos call it.

    Ya need to pop over and read the second post down "Dizzy" to read all the birthdays and anniversarys we celebrate before Christmas. It's just wild!!!

    Ya'll have a wonderfully bless day and a spectacular New Year from the cold hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!! :o)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~