Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day ~~

If there ever comes the Day,
When we can not be Together,
Keep me in your Heart,
I'll stay there Forever. ~~
~~ " Winne the Pooh" ~~

Good Afternoon ~~
By the warmth of the wood stove I'm
filling small gift bags with Valentine Treats
for the GrandGirls.
Some stationary, home made candies,
stickers, tiny composition books, heart cookies, and tiny
little sewing books, that I purchased for each of them at
aunt daisy's last time I was in PA.
A few weeks prior the girls and I had a sewing circle,
we mended some of Pop's work shirts.
I showed them how to thread
a needle, knot the thread, and sew on a button,
we had such fun. I thought their own sewing book
would be something they would enjoy.
We received an evite for tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day
they are calling it 2nd Annual !!
Both sets of Grand Parents will head to their
house this afternoon,
and stay for dinner, dessert and wii bowling.
We don't know how long they will want to celebrate
this Sweet Holiday with us...but we will take
it for as long as we can.
Bless My Daughter In-Law & Son for
always including us.
Not that I think the Girls give them a choice. lol
Hope where ever you are, and what ever you do,
You are surrounded by those you Love ~~
Happy Valentine's Day !!
Sending Warm ♥ Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Connie~
    Such a lovely Grandmum you are! Your wee Grandgirls shall cherish their time with you surely...and the treats & sweets as well.
    Enjoy the Valentine celebrations dear heart...enjoy!

  2. I hope you enjoy a very sweet time with your grandkids Connie~Happy Valentines!~Kathy

  3. Hi Connie!....oh your sewing circle with the girls sounds just perfect and I love that they want to celebrate Valentine's Day with their Grandparents, how wonderful indeed!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Oh Grandgirls are so much more fun than the Grandboys...the Grandgirls love the pretty things and the Grandboys want "swords" LOL!!!(but they will be wrapped in lots of love) Much love being sent to you my true friend. Winter will be gone soon and we shall celebrate together - how's that sound?!!!! Judy

  5. Wonderful Hearts. Have a great Valentines Day.


  6. Happy Valentine's Connie! It sounds like you have a lovely day ahead with family...those are always the BEST days!
    Love and xoxo's

  7. Ah...threading a needle. A very important lesson. I imagine one day you will help them sew their own prom gowns. Such a sweet post for Sweetheart's Day.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~