Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Ground Hog Day ~~

Happy Ground Hog Day
Conflicting News ~~ With Opposing Views ~~
Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of Winter,
Staten Island Chuck predicts Early Spring.
We here in Connecticut have no forecaster
of our own *** so we rely on the
Neighboring States who have experts to
predict when Spring will arrive.
This year we can pick which ever
one makes us Happy. lol
Its all Good !!
Just heard from a friend ..... we have
Connecticut Chuckles ...WHAT,
never heard of him.
He also predicted six more weeks of Winter.
I'm dreaming Spring ..... but a few
more weeks of Winter is okay too.
Mary Matucha Ferrito
Happy Birthday Mama
We Think
The keeping of records as you go back
in time leaves us some what confused.
My Mother's birth certificate states
February 3rd 1914 ~ Born Yesterday.
So we have never been exactly sure
if she was born on the 2nd or the 3rd
of February .......
We always celebrated on the 2nd.
Her name also was a little confusing
Anna Marie or Mary Ann
she used Mary Ann.
Either way she was
a Wonderful, Daughter, Sister,
Wife, Mother, Nanny, Aunt & Friend
Who was Loved by All
Left to right the sisters
Sophie & Mary (mama)
& me
Hope you are all well, happy and warm.
Sending Spring Thoughts, & Warm Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. I am also dreaming of spring! We in Utah will for sure have 6 more weeks of winter. LOL Either way, early spring or winter, the weather is a lot the same! It's been so darn cold here that I would love to have a day of 35 degrees! It would feel like a heat wave!
    Love the picture of your mom, and your aunt and yourself.
    Happy groundhogs day!

  2. The tribute to your Mom is very sweet Connie.

    Happy Groundhogs Day to you my friend!....we have had some good snow so far this season with more expected YAHOOOO!!!


  3. Happy Groundhog day to you too Connie..
    Wiarton Willie, our Canadian groundhog predicted 6 more weeks of winter too.

    I love the tribute. It is very touching.

  4. Oh Connie...you are your MOTHER...the spitting image...how wonderful is that to have a beautiful Mom and look just like her! (NO I was not in the wine) !!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY ANN !!! XO Judy

  5. Hi Connnie,
    I agree with those who said you look like your Mother.

    Our family has always celebrated my Father's birthday on Dec. 21st, recently he had to get a copy of his bith certificate, and his birth date is listed as Dec 20th.
    Oh, the good ole' days.

    Never trust a ground hog !

    Think Spring,

  6. I'll choose the Spring groundhog. Sweet tribute to mom! You look like your mother as I see your pic on the right. Beautiful mom.


  7. Spring seems so far away...I shall make room for Staten Island Chuck in our garden!

    Precious memories of a sweet mum is a grand thing indeed. I shall light a candle in your mum's memory.
    ~ J

  8. I never heard of Staten island Chuck or Connecticut Chuckles but I know Phil has been wrong before so I am going to take it one day at a time. Can't do much about it anyway, can we?? Well except force some bulbs or forsythia that is!!

  9. Awww..Connie, don't you just love those old pics? Such pretty women and I love looking at the styles of their clothing. What fun!
    Our weather here the past 5 days has been gloomy and cool. I'm beginning to feel the way I do back home when the dark days of November hit. This has been a very weird Florida winter so far.
    However, it's giving me time to sew and create so it's not all bad. Got two aprons made for my shop in the last two days. LOL.
    Wishing you the forecast of the early spring. Thinking positive never hurts!

  10. beautiful words of your mom. interesting that the birth certificate said that...


  11. Hi Connie!
    I LOVE the photo of your mom and you (and your aunt). You look like her. What's interesting about that is we had the same problem with my grandfather and also with his birth year. I guess record keeping wasn't a top priority then.

    I have a feeling that CT Chuckles :) and Punxsutawney Phil may be right. BOO! A big storm is headed our way and we may be getting 8" of new snow! It will be beautiful. Your crocuses (sp?) are making me dream of spring flowers though!

    Hope your doing well and THANKS for all you nice comments. I've been wanting to make up some new graphics on my blog for a while. It's faster than painting a room and almost (almost) as satisfying!

    Sending xoxo's right back at ya!
    Love, Jenn


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