Wednesday, December 2, 2009

SimPle CounTry PleaSures ~~

First keep the peace within yourself,
then you can bring peace to others.
Thomas a Kempis (1380 - 1471)
Love this time of the year.....especially from the cozy
comforts of the cabin.
We are enjoying ............... all the simple joys
and peace of the Christmas Season.
In the evening we sit back and enjoy the small white lights in
our windows, while the wood stove keeps us toasty warm,
and the fire is crackling in the fireplace.
We are Blessed to have a good, and hearty meal
grace our table each night.
There is also lots of baking taking place, so
the smells that fill the cabin are just
Sights, Smells, Sounds, delights for all the senses.

I also get much joy from visiting my on-line Friends.
All the Blogs have a Christmas feel, everyone is talking about
their traditions, and sharing photos of their homes, & shops,
all decked out for the Season.
I enjoy reading their recipes, and the tiny bits of
their lives they choose to share with us.
On most Blogs .....
You can read and feel the smile in their words.
Its also a time to hear from treasured Friends and Relatives
that are parted by get a sweet card, or
an updated news letter (I for one love receiving them)
and sometimes its a special phone call.
As the song said ......
"Don't Save it All for Christmas" .
Please Remember to reach out and touch someone,
A Smile can convey Warmth,
A nice Word can touch a Heart,
A Hug is a Wonderful Gift.

Very little is needed to make a happy life ~~
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 AD - 180 AD )

Wishing you Peace & Simple Country Pleasures
as we prepare for Christmas ~~
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Hi Connie,

    What beautiful pictures and what a warm and beautiful post.
    Take care,

  2. Connie, what simplistic beauty your home holds, I love it! I especially love all the fresh greens and red berries, I'd have them placed everywhere if I had access to them too!

    Such warm words in your post, just lovely!

    Merry Christmas my friend!

  3. Hi Connie...what a treat to read your post, just as I took out the last batch of cookies from the oven and while my beef stew slowly simmers and fills the kitchen with good smells for a chilly and rainy night.

  4. Connie ~
    What lovely pictures. Love your simple touches of the season. THanks for sharing.

  5. What a beautiful post, love the music, the simplicity and the message, Dawn

  6. I love how warm, cozy, and prim your house looks.

  7. Your home looks so warm and inviting.


  8. I love your simple decorating style

  9. Ah...that's what I like...seeing pictures of your beautiful home. Looks like the perfect backdrop for holiday decorating, especially since you keep it simple and real.
    Keep 'em coming, Connie. You need to publish your own book!
    Enjoy all the spirit of the season that you've so lovingly created.

  10. Hi Connie~ What a beautiful post. I can almost smell the cookies! Your pictures and words are always so inspiring. Enjoy this wonderful season and Merry Christmas! I'm off to peek at your picture trail now! Warm blessings and hugs to you and your family. Jenn

  11. Merry Christmas my sweet friend. May the Glory and Beauty of the season shine upon you and your beautiful family. ♥~♥

  12. Hey...that was the CHristmas Tree I picked out when you went for your walk....guess you will just have to make another trip to PA and bring it to me...!!!! As always, you fill my heart with joy! XO, Judy

  13. It is all so lovely! It all says Merry Christmas!

  14. Thanks for sharing...very lovely!
    How are you doing my friend?? It has been awhile!

  15. Oh Sara ~~ I think of you anytime I do something new on the computer. LOL God Bless you for your knowledge, and sweet giving spirit. Big Hugs ~ Connie xox

  16. It's always special to come to your Blog and view your Warm & Special touches through your home...You have the gift Connie...

    AND Save a Cookie For Me!!!

    Wishing you Always The Best...


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~