Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Gathering ~~

These days when most families find themselves scattered
all around the country......we are Blessed to be having
eighteen of our family members around our table.

We serve our traditional Thanksgiving dinner of
roast turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, squash,
candied yams, shoepeg corn, stuffed mushrooms,
green bean casserole, coleslaw,
apple sauce, cranberry sauce, and hot rolls.
We have been lovingly told many
can add any new dish you like but please do
not eliminate any old ones.
They all have their favorite.

We will bow our heads, as one of our family members
lead us in our prayer of Thanksgiving, we will then
proceed to our assigned seats.
The running joke is if you don't hand back
in your place card there
may not be a seat for you next year.
Well each year I get them all back, even the
little ones hand them in.
Some times worse for the wear. lol
I have much to be Thankful about so I will personally,
and quietly give thanks for my
family, & friends, the bounty that graces our table
each and every day of the year.
Our good health, and the fact that this will
be our 26th year here at the cabin,
cooking & serving this Holiday
dinner we both love .... side by side.

Our Desserts
served around a cracking fire,
will be a fresh fruit bowl, nut tray,
apple pie ~ pumpkin pie ~ ice cream,
pumpkin bars, cheesecake,
choc chip cookies, and a candy tray.
Oh the excess eating on the Holidays. ~~
My wish is that
where ever you Celebrate;
and who ever you Celebrate with;
your Thanksgiving Day finds you sharing
Blessings, food a plenty, & memories
to last a good long time.
Wishing You and Yours a Blessed Happy Thanksgiving !!
Sending Warm Thankful Hugs ~~ from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Awsome post!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!!

  2. Connie - wishing you and yours the most wonderful Thanksgiving.
    With love...Kim ♥

  3. What a sweet post Connie!....your dinner sounds super yummy and the desserts even yummier!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!


  4. Sounds like we are both blessed to be having Thanksgiving with so many of our loved one around us.

    I wish you and yours a very blessed Thanksgiving as well!!

  5. wonderful post. safe holiday travels to all those coming. happy thanksgiving.


  6. Always Wishing you the Best this Thanksgiving Connie...
    Enjoying family & loved ones around the table is such a Blessing to be shared...

    Wishing you All wonderful New memories to share...


  7. Happy Thanks giving to you & Yours.
    Enjoyed your post

  8. Connie,
    Sounds like a wonderful meal with those who mean the most...Wishing you and your family the Happiest of Thanksgivings!
    Take Care,

  9. Oh COnnie...your home looks so cozy and inviting. What a way to start the season.
    We are here in Ohio, loving every minute of being with our kids and grand kids. The teen agers are a hoot and I adore the way these cousins love each other. Who wouldn't be thankful for that?
    Warmest wishes to you for a wonderful and blessed day with your family gathered around.

  10. I love to decorate...and decorate primitive. I love your photos. Question....when do you begin your Christmas decorating


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