Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lazy, Crazy, Hazy Days

Today is Wednesday...I had lots to do....I did Nothing !!
It was hot here at the Cabin, bright sun & lots of
humidity..... just couldn't get myself in gear to accomplish anything.
My DIL and granddaughters called to come and swim at
the pool after lunch...well the poor dears only
got fifteen minutes...and then the thunder and rain came.

We all ran inside for some juice and chocolate chip bars I had baked,
after snack the girls played dress up for awhile and just now
left for home...time to catch up on their summer reading.
I think this is one of those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer
so I decided not to fight it............

Going to pour a large ice tea and go sit a spell on the porch.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
Hugs ~~ Connie xox

Love is to the Heart what the Summer is to the Farmer's year -
it brings to Harvest all the Loveliest Flowers of the Soul.
~Author Unknown


  1. I'm with you Connie...
    Hot...Humid...Lazy Days...
    Scraped a bit of my deck this morning, gave up (Heat & Humidity) & went inside to the AC...
    Suppose to get MORE Rain tonight...

    Save ME a Chocolate Chip Bar...

    Best to You...M

  2. Hi Connie!....yep, hot and humid here too....supposed to thunder and rain here later tonight, I prefer that to occur during the day rather than in the middle of the night!....SYTYCD is nearing its end and did you hear that Paula is leaving Idol? Janet

  3. I love those kind of days! The hardest thing sometimes is just letting go, and doing nothing....I love the quote on your side bar. Truthfully? I hope we all have some more lazy days where we can relax and enjoy the summer.

  4. Hi Connie....well except that I didn't do the pool I did the same thing as you today!
    I tweaked my website this morning and then this afternoon I layed on the sofa in the screen room and read till my eyes were so heavy then took a little nap and then started all over again....
    Glad to know there was someone else enjoying a mindless day like me!
    They are rejuvinating

  5. Love the picture of the tea basking in the sun. If we only had some here for the tea to brew.

  6. Hi Connie!! It's already hot here this morning. I'll never complain though. In a few months I'll be dreaming of the these days. Your sun tea looks delicious, what a great ball jar.

    Vacation was good but its great to be getting back into the swing of things. It sounds like you've been traveling quite a bit also...Haleys Gatherings looks like a sweet place. Always fun to get away and have a little primitive place to visit for inspiration. Love the photo of you and your cuz also.

    Hope you and the family are doing well. Warm hugs or should I say "cool" hugs :) Jenn


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