Saturday, August 29, 2009

"PumPkins For Sale"

Greetings from the Cabin
It's a damp, chilly day here
feels like you could light a fire, almost like Fall...
The inside of the cabin & shop are all decorated, now if
only I could find PumPkins to place outside on the porch.
I have been calling around to no avail...I would even take the
run of the mill Sugar PumPkins and Muchkins at this point.
My source in PA for "All PumPkins Wonderful"
(Cinderellas, Jarrahdales, Blue Lakota, & Cheese Pumpkins)
said not yet..and not sure when, or how many
she will get this year due to the wet and rainy June we had.
Our neighbor Tom who owns the road side vegetable stand
down on the main road has One Large Green PumPkin.
(suppose to be Orange..he picked it green)
As much as I beg he wont sell it yet. lol
He does it to me every year in August
he either puts a sign up on the road that says
"PumPkins For Sale"
or places one right up front,somehow it gives him a kick
to see me just about crash the car stopping to see if
he has any to sell at this time of the year.
Since I couldn't find any to buy I decided to make
PumPkin Fudge
we think its pretty tasty and my customers love it.
I hope you and yours are
well & happy in your little neck of the woods.
Sending Harvest Thoughts & Warm Hugs
Connie xox

Log Cabin Pumpkin Fudge
2 Cups of Granulated Sugar
1 Cup of Dark Brown Sugar
1 ½ sticks Butter or Margarine (¾ Cup)
1 Cup Pure (Canned)
2/3 Cup Evaporated Milk
3 Teaspoons PumPkin Pie Spice
2 Cups White Chocolate Morsels (12 oz Bag)
1 Jar Marshmallow Fluff (7 oz jar)
1 ½ Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
Butter a 13 x 9 Baking Dish and line with Foil.
Leave foil hanging over on all side this is
how you will lift the fudge out to cut into pieces.
Combine Sugar, Brown Sugar, Butter, PumPkin, Evaporated Milk,
and spice in a 4 quart sauce pan. Bring to a full rolling boil over med.
heat stirring constantly. Continue to boil stirring constantly for 10 to 12
minutes or until candy thermometer reaches 230 to 240F.
Quickly stir in morsels, marshmallow, and vanilla stirring for 1 minute till
morsels are melted and ingredients are all incorporated.
Pour into prepared pan and cool on wire rack for two hours.
Cover tightly and store in refrigerator, till good and firm.
Remove from pan, remove foil and cut into one inch pieces.
Makes about Three Pounds of Fudge.
EnJoy ~~~


  1. Oh you are making me long to get my fall decor out and pick the bittersweet. That recipe sounds decadent! I love pumpkin!!

    I am so enjoying this chill today. I even baked pork chops and made stuffing from scratch.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I just love those pumpkins, they are beautiful. We don't get real pumpkins here until late in Sept. usually. We can find them earlier at Walmart but sometimes those don't last very well. The pu,pkin farm doesn't even open until mid to late Sept. and I'm in pumpkin heaven when they open those gates. I've got to try that fudge it looks yummy!

  3. Yummy! I'm gonna have to try that fudge:) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Isn't it just Grand...
    ALL the Colors Of Autumn again AND it feels like just yesterday!!!
    Hope the Pumpkin's aren't that scarce this year, I DON'T want to Panic yet!!!

    Tasty Looking Treats You Have There Connie...
    Thinking Of You...M

  5. That fudge sounds sooooo good, It is off limits to me, but i can just imagine how yummy it is!

  6. That fudge sounds yummy Connie!....I hope you are able to find some pumpkins soon!


  7. OH... you are making me want to rush out and pick my green pumpkins! We only have 2 growing in our pumpkin patch this year..the wet weather in June did ours in as well:(

    I love this pumpkin fudge recipe..thank you for sharing..I will definitely be trying it.

    Take care,

  8. Oh I just may have to make that fudge & then give it away !!!

  9. Getting chilly here too, Connie. Cathy showed me the picture of your hubby's prize pumpkin that was in the paper! Wow!
    One of these days I'll get to your new shop.

  10. We have a huge green pumpkin in our garden also! Thanks so much for the fudge recipe! I'm going to try it! Here's hoping you can get your pumpkins soon! :-D

  11. Received a few emails about the fudge recipe, just want to be clear,I used canned 100% PumPkin...I think it was Libby. This is the way I have always made it....I have never used
    real PumPkin. xox

  12. Hi Connie!!

    I've missed you. LOVE all the photos and will probably be making that fudge real soon. I just sent a link to my friend/cousin. She will love this recipe and your house! Wish I could be there to sample a little. Someday...

    Sending warm hugs to you my friend. Have a beautiful day! Jenn

  13. Mercy has sent us all over to check out your fudge. I am very excited to try this recipe. thanks for posting it.

  14. Hi Again Connie,
    I may have certifiably lost my mind. Cathy says she never showed me any newspaper picture of your husband with a prize pumpkin that he had grown. I must have been thinking of someone else, but I have no idea who!!!

  15. Thanks so much for the pumpkin fudge recipe. I had bought some of this fudge when we visited our daughter in OK a few years ago. I loved it and this sounds like a good recipe.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~