Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Projects ~~

"No price is set on the lavish summer;
June may be had by the poorest comer."
- James Russell Lowell
Good Afternoon Friends ~~
Hope everyone is well and enjoying the
beautiful lush season we are now experiencing.
At the cabin lots of home projects going on,
we started staining the house and are up to our
elbows in stain, brushes, equipment and bees,
(the wood boring kind). lol

I like to call our homestead a cabin...but in
reality its long log home...more so when it comes to
doing any projects. :-) The front of the cabin
looks like a low ranch with two wings that set back.
In the back it stands three stories high,
like a reverse saltbox.

Yikes I totally don't like poor hubby has been
the one on and off the ladders....he's now in the bucket
truck ..... that he recently borrowed from a friend.
This piece of equipment will allow him to safely
reach the highest places on the gable ends.

I'm five three so I tackle anything I can reach
(like taking this picture) standing on
my own two feet...not much help..I know but I try.
I guess you could call me the cheerleader gopher,
Rah ~ Rah ... another side done, and what do you need Hon ?
Water, Lunch, Music, Beer, Rags...whatever,
I'm your Girl !!
This is the fourth time we are staining
the cabin, since we built 24 years ago.
We have always used a
semi-transparent stain.
This time hubby wanted to use a solid stain, hoping it will
cover more even, less splotchy and maybe last a
little longer, fingers crossed.
The product we used is
Sherman Willams ~~ Woodscapes
The color is ~~ ShagBark
I say brown, hubby sees gray...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
doesn't matter we both like it !!

Hopefully one more week and we shall be done.
I have missed everyone and hope soon to have time
to peruse around in Blog Land...Thanks to the Friends
who have written to inquire as to my state
of mind (lol ) & my whereabouts. (((hugs)))

Thankfully its all good things that keep me busy.

Sending Good Thoughts & Summer Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. It really looks nice. Your home looks so cozy nestled up there in the trees like it is! Love it.

  2. what a chore indeed Connie! looks wonderful though!....and your property looks absolutely gorgeous! Janet

  3. I love the new color it looks great!


  4. Absolutely love the colour! .... and BroWn & BluE ? What else is there? Becky

  5. Your home is lovely... I love how it is back in the trees. What a beautiful setting!

  6. Love your stain color. We have a log home too and I am looking for a product to stain our house too. Would e-mail me the product you are using. My e-mail address is I would really appreciate it.

  7. Love your house and the color of the stain. More pictures please! Have a great week, Dawn

  8. Hi Connie,

    That looks like a big job - how nice you know someone with that kind of equipment. I love the new stain and I do hope it does last much longer than the old.

    It was so nice to see the full view of your cabin. As all the other's said - it is so pretty nestled in the trees!

    I hope the staining gets done so you can enjoy more of summer!

    hugs, Linda

  9. Hi Connie,
    Love the new color. It reminds me of the color we stained our little Cape when we lived in Bethel, CT. It looks great.
    You're obviously enjoying all the fruits of springtime. Things are finally blooming here as well, but we've had so much rain that I'm feeling soggy.
    Take care,

  10. HI Connie - So good to see you posting again. I certainly need to update my blog as well. This time of year there are so many things to be done. Your new stain color looks great...looks like a brownish gray to me ;)
    That is Something that we will soon have to tackle ourselves and I am not looking forward to that big job at all! Hopefully not for another few more years at least.
    Have a wonderful evening my friend.

  11. HI Connie - So good to see you posting again. I certainly need to update my blog as well. This time of year there are so many things to be done. Your new stain color looks great...looks like a brownish gray to me ;)
    That is Something that we will soon have to tackle ourselves and I am not looking forward to that big job at all! Hopefully not for another few more years at least.
    Have a wonderful evening my friend.

  12. I love your, love, love log homes and I love what you've done with the color! We have to stain ours fairly often too. We have a cedar home. I don't do heights either, so I guess I'm the cheerleader too! :)

    Have a wonderful evening, Connie!

  13. You have the perfect eye for color...the "cabin" looks great and so does Paul...!! What a beautiful setting - lots of grass mowing ?? Yikes !! XO, Judy

  14. Great job to you BOTH...Solid stain is good!!!
    Cheerleading, now that's another way of looking at it Connie...I should have thought of that 'YEARS' ago...
    Such a lovely job and a great friend to borrow from...
    Best to You...M

  15. Hi Connie! I'm sure by this time your house is finished...I've been away for so long! Love the color you choose. What a job that must be. Your home and the property around it is just gorgeous.

    Hope your all doing well. You need to send me some recital pictures of the girls! Did they have fun? I'll get some to you soon also.

    We are heading East next week for the Extrav ~ a quick trip but I can't wait!

    Have a wonderful weekend more rain I hope!

    Hugs and blessings ~~ Jenn ~~


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~