Monday, June 22, 2009

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head ~~

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head,
they keep fallin ..........
Rain Rain Go Away ..... We All Want to go
Out & Play ... & Work & Sit, & Swim......

It has been raining here at the Cabin for just about three weeks.
I have written everyone that I have drawn up plans for Paul to
start building the Ark...half kidding half serious. I know we are
not in control of the weather...nor anything else really, and that
they are plenty of places here in the US and around the world that are
in need of rain......but I'm DONE !!!!

The Cabin staining is still going on,
we work between the rain drops....literally
some times we get three boards
done and then the rains comes again.
The lift truck got stuck in the mud (our side
lawn) yikes what a mess...thankfully
Paul has lots of big equipment so with
the help of our neighbor Tony .... they were able
to pull the lift free, and get it around
to the gable side of the house.
And so it goes......

I know it looks like blue skies below ... but
trust me it lasts no more than
thirty minutes...and then its back to rain.
He did finally finish that side of the house.
But we have a long way to go before the job is
complete. We are just hoping we can get it done
before the lift truck has a job and needs to
return to Al who so generously loan it out to us.
Summer is short here in the
North East...and my hubby is definitely a Summer
Guy...with lots of toys....we
have had his boat in the driveway...all washes up
and ready to go fishing (not happening
thanks to rain, lighting and thunder) the pool is still
not what I call swim ready, plus its cold.
The camper has been washed and rewashed
and then put away due to the
stormy weather.
so Poppa is not a Happy Fellow.
I'm hoping July comes in sunny, warm and dry.
Now I know in the big scheme of things its
No Big Deal ... so I'm gonna try and stop complaining
count my many Blessings, dream of a Dry Brilliant Fall
(my favorite time of the year)
and mentally continue decorating the Ark. :-)
Hope all is well where you rest your Head & Hang your Dreams.
Sending Good Dry Thoughts & Hugs ~~ Connie xox


  1. Connie ~
    Please send some rain our way. We really need some to get anything growing. I hope it stops soon so you can finish the staining & your hubby can start playing with his toys.

  2. We had some days just like that...rain out of nowhere! I hope it does stop so you can get finished! It's going to look great!


  3. Hi Connie,

    Sunny dry July would be nice huh? I worry that because it is so cool now, our fall will be too warm.

    Your hubby does have a lot of outdoor toys waiting for him. I hope he gets some time to use them soon.

    I wish I could see inside your head because I am sure that ark never looked so good!

    hugs, Linda

  4. I hear you on the rain! I have two grandsons here to spend 7 weeks and they love to go out and play, we try and schedule trips that can be done in spite of rain. They love the park down the street so we can run there and back if the rain comes down heavy. The grass seems to love it, I have to try and mow every 3 days or it is out of control but my flowers are not loving all the wet, the are getting mildew! I too hope July is nice and I do not wish to wish the summer months away but I am looking forward to Fall, I keep wanting to bring out my fall decor, maybe because of the these dark rainy days!
    Good Luck with getting the house done. . .it will be great after it is finished. I need to do our deck but will have to wait until after the boys go back home.

  5. Too much of anything is not good, tis true....send me a pic of that Ark when you get it all decorated! Janet

  6. I'm sure everything will look perfect when you finish.


  7. The sun is shining here today Connie (in and out) and yesterday too...the rain "swooped" right past us. It is cool however but I am loving it!There is lots of "summer" left and Paul will be in his happy place soon!! Hopefully the staining will go fast once the weather breaks! I just visited your "store" and I love love love it!! XO, Judy

  8. Hi Connie, We've got sunshine today too....woohoo! Took Lydia to the pool this afternoon it was relaxing and we both needed it.

    Happy Anniversary to you and Paul. How long have you been married? Are you still planning a trip to PA? Loved to cross never know :)

    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Love and blessings ~~ Jenn

  9. Hi Connie,
    I enjoyed your latest blog post because I just posted one that was much the same and I was beginning to feel like I was whining too much about the weather. So, now I feel better!
    I talked with Cathy last night and she said she just knew I was pulling my hair out because I hate being trapped indoors. She also said she had visited you at your new shop and enjoyed it. She LOVES
    the new book!
    Hope you get your house staining completed. We've been trying to paint for weeks, but the wood is so wet we're afraid it won't take the paint.
    Take care and keep hope alive that we will see the sun soon!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~