Saturday, December 13, 2008

Every Single Evening ~~

Every single evening ~~ As I'm lying here in my bed, ~~
This Tiny Little Prayer keeps running through my head: ~~
God bless all my Family .....
Wherever they may be, Keep them warm, and safe from
harm for they're so very dear to me. ~~
And God, there is one more thing I wish that you could do; ~~
Hope you don't mind me asking, Please Bless my computer too.
Now I know that it's unusual To Bless a motherboard, ~~
But listen just a second while I explain it to you, Oh Lord. ~~
You see, that little metal box holds more than odds and ends; ~~
Inside those small compartments rest so many of my friends. ~~
I know so much about them by the kindness that they give, ~~
and this little scrap of metal takes me in to where they live. ~~

By faith is how I know them much the same as I know You. ~~
We share in what life brings us and from that our friendships grew. ~~
Please take an extra minute from your duties up above, ~~
To Bless those in my Blogger World that's filled with so much love. ~~
Wherever else this prayer may reach to each and every Friend, ~~
Bless each at their computer and each person who hits 'send'. ~~

When you update your Heavenly list On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer Sent up to ~~

Blessings and Merry Christmas to All My Friends & Family ~~
Sending Warm Connecticut Hugs ~ Connie xox


  1. Connie... you show just so much sweetness... May God Bless You & All Your Family... I ABSOLUTELY love this inner spirit that you show us. I truly love visiting with you...

    With all my heart & spirit, Pamela

  2. i enjoyed reading your beautiful post~blessings and Merry Christmas to you!

  3. Connie,
    That's beautiful and I know exactly what you friends are so special too!
    Your home is lovely!!

  4. Awww....this was so sweet! Bloggy hugs to you!!

  5. Merry Christmas to you Connie!....I love this picture as well, so elegant and simple!

  6. Guess what I am working on??? A new PT and Valentine's Day...woohoo for ME !! I have most my shopping done and just have to play tomorrow and Tuesday...taking Christmas Eve day off at the store and will have THREE whole days to bake and that is a FIRST !! Merrie Holidays sweet friend!! Judy

  7. Connie-Very sweet. My you and your family be blessed this holiday season and in the New Year also.

  8. Many friendship hugs to you as well. Love the pics of your home. Merry Christmas!!

  9. Dear have the best blog....I just click on it....and let the music play while I sew....That way I feel like we are visiting...XOXOXOXO Judy

  10. very sweet little blog you have here!~ Happy Holidays :)

  11. Very sweet prayer, and the words are oh so true-
    Merry, Merry Christmas to you!

  12. This little prayer is so true. I totally relate to it. The internet is a wonderful thing. I too have made many new friends through my website and blog. I am going to put your blog on mine so I remember to come back again. I hope you will come by for a visit too. I loves antiques, primitives, and I also love to decorate. Hope you visit too.
    Happy day


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~