Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Baby its Cold Outside !!!!

Baby its Cold Outside !!!!
Today is not as cold as yesterday......Thank Goodness ~~
We have been trying to keep the Cabin heated this year with only our wood stove, and fireplace. Its been a challenge these last few days when the temperature has dropped so low. It has definitely had me running, first outside to cart in the wood and then back and forth feeding both fires. Yikes takes alot of wood to keep them going, I'm not complaining exactly (lol) I'm grateful that we have the wood and that my husband did a wonderful job of splitting and stacking it up close to the house...makes it a short distance to retrieve it. It has certainly added and old fashion charm and Christmas feel .... here at the Cabin. Inside with the lights in the windows, trees softly glowing, the smell of fresh pine and fresh baked cookies you can tell Christmas is not far off. Add the sound of Christmas carols playing in the background and the very welcomed warmth of the fires it almost seems like something out of a movie.

I say ALMOST....that is till you roam away from the fire.....lol I quickly realize all activities must be planned around the source of heat.... just the way it was in days of old. So for now I'm signing off......because the heat does not extend into the office where the computer is. Going to make a cup of tea and

do some wrapping ~~
Hoping these days find you happy, warm and snug ~~
Sending Christmas Hugs from Connecticut ~ Connie xox


  1. Stay warm in the cabin my friend! The smell of a wood buring fire sounds great!
    (Would you believe we don't have a fireplace yet at ours? but we are expecting one for xmas.....)

  2. Goodness... Connie, I couldn't imagine anything any better... Sounds as if you have the... LIFE! I would DiE for a WooD BuRning SToVe OR FiRePLaCe... We have a ventless gas fireplace that we use for heat, but not the same without tracking in w/ those logs to throw on the flames... Enjoy!

    Many MeRRiE BLeSSiNgs 2 YoU on this CoLd DeCeMbeR DaY, Pamela

  3. Just makes me want to curl up with a great old comforter by that fire Connie...All I would need is some Hot Cocoa (with Marshmellows of course) & my Stitchin'...I'd probably fall right to sleep though...
    Lovely, Lovely photo my friend...

  4. WOW I love your blog, I found you by visiting Shelley's blog. I know what it's like to heat with wood! Trust me, I do. Our wood shed is down a hill, which means uphill on a sled on the way back...LOL

  5. What a lovely picture in this post. I would love to see more pics of your cozy cabin.

    Tea and wrapping sound like the prefrct way to spend some time inside by the fire

  6. Connie-Your cabin looks precious.We used our wood burner last year and I thought I would end up in a divorce. LOL I either had the wood to packed or not enough. My kitchen was always so hot and the rest of the house was way to cold for my liking. So needless to say this year we are back to the furnace. I would like to have a fireplace for the smell of the wood and the tranquility. Not for heat only. Keep warm and have a great week.

  7. Your cabin looks SO beautiful... especially adorned in its Christmas decorations. How lovely! The photo looking down on the fireplace is simply fantastic. It creates such a warm, cozy feeling. And I imagine you have had many nice days curled up by that fire, immersed in a good book!

    Thanks for sharing. :)


    p.s. - found you through Shelley's lovely log cabin website. Please stop over and see us sometime if it interests you!

  8. All I can say Connie is WOW!!....what an absolutely GORGEOUS picture that is as is the picture you paint with your description as well! (except for the keeping the fire going part, that's alotta work! LOL) Janet :)

  9. Good Morning Connie, I am so enjoying your blog while I have a cup of tea and Christmas cookies for breakfast! Your home looks so warm and inviting....I can almost smell the fire and fresh greens. Scratch and sniff would be good right now! I hope you have something wonderful planned for today and this weekend. We had snow overnight and its a lovely morning here in PA. Happy morning to you also. Love and hugs...Jenn

  10. Hello Connie~ I must say I Love your home. My dream is to have a log cabin one day. You have it decorated wonderfully. I truly miss our fireplace this year and hope to have one soon. Stay warm and thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful pictures.

  11. Oh my goodness....I absolutely LOVE that room you have pictured there! It is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!

    I hope you are staying warm this winter! :)


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~