Monday, October 24, 2011

Signs of the Season

The Signs of the Season are all around us.
The trees still have some color, the grass is
still green ...  littered with dry leaves,
the bittersweet is every where you look,
and smoke rises from both our chimneys.
Can't say it enough ~~~~ I Love the Fall !!


We take time from our chores for some Neat TreaTs
Hot Chocolate & Cider Donuts.
Donuts are just outside of the camera view
but believe me they were Yummmy !!

 This years Wood Supply
Thank You PoP, you work so hard
to keep us warm.
In my opinion nothing is warmer than
the heat generated from a wood fire. 
Plus the wonderful ambiance a
crackling fire brings to the Cabin.
I am Blessed !!

 The Remaining Leaves

Fresh Cut Rose-Hips
What I can't show you are the
scrapes & scars from the thorns. lol
I know it will be well worth it when my baskets
are full for the Christmas Season.
 My Grands at the Halloween Party !!
Gypsy & a Disney Character
(I forget which one... sorry Dolly)
Grand on the Right
Lagoona Blue
from Monster High
related to a character from the
Little Mermaid
just saying ..... keeping real

Today the 24th  is also a 
Special Day in my Family.
It is our oldest son
 Heath's  Birthday,
My Bestest Cousin Josie's
very "Special" Birthday.
(me & all my best girlfriends turned 60 this year)
Yikes ..... it's even tough to type lol
We celebrated last night because of
the girls school & dance schedule.
But I wanted to say it one more time
Happy Birthday Heath
Happy Birthday Jo 
God Bless You Both
We Love you !! 


**** Trick or TreaT ****
All My Friends !!
Hope all is well in your little corner
of the world.
Sending Blessings & Warm Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Wow, that's some heap of fire wood!! Your place is divine! Your girls are adorable in the costumes...they're ready for Halloween. Mel's Designs from the Cabin

  2. Just bought some apple cider donuts today for us to enjoy later with our coffee -- one of the very best simple pleasures of the fall!!
    Great pic of your grands... love their costumes and they are such beautiful girls....
    Boy, those rose hips sure do cut you up!! I never realized they were so prickly until I ordered some real ones a year or so ago... wow, they hurt!
    Enjoy the birthday celebrations!!

  3. Happy belated Birthday my dear!!...and Happy Birthday to Heath and Jo!!...your sweet girls looks so precious dressed in their costumes...I cannot believe that pile of wood! my word!...I want to come really really bad to see your cabin decked out for Christmas!!!


  4. Warmest Birthday wishes, Connie. You are still a baby in my neck of the woods. Speaking of wood, that's quite a pile. Love it!!
    I'm loving this weather too. My margarita daisies and lilies look better than they did all summer and the lawn is lush and green now with the cooler shorter days. Hate to see the sun go down earlier each afternoon, though. Makes me realize what's around the corner.
    Have a Happy Halloween. Looks like you and your granddaughters are ready. Thay are adorable. Isn't being a grandma the best?
    Fondly, Joanne

  5. Oh my, haven't had time to go get cider and donuts yet - but we've got to do that soon! I love a wood fire too, there's nothing like the warmth, the smell and the sound. Oh dear, this must be the year, I turned 60 in September too. Just doesn't seem possible! Enjoy, Dawn

  6. How delightful...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all!
    Oh Connie...your corner of the world is absolutely splendid! So very Autumnal... yummy...welcoming...cozy. You are most blessed.
    Wishing you happy days...


  7. Good morning Connie. Yup, this is going to be the best Christmas season ever at Holly Hills Primitives. Sure wish you could visit! BUT - shortly (after we get the shop put together for the open house) we are going to start a selling blog or picture trail. Yippee! You should see the piles inmy house! Can't wait to get it to the shop so I get get things organized here again. I can't stand the mess. Hope you have a wonderful day, Dawn

  8. Your wood pile make me laugh out loud...lucky you to live in a cabin in the woods with bittersweet and rosehips and a BIG lumberjack for a sweetheart!
    See you soon......XO Judy

  9. know that was suppose to say MADE me...fingers type faster than my head can think...XO


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