Sunday, August 28, 2011

Good Bye Irene !!!

Good Bye Irene ~~
She came in with lots of rain, and fierce wind.
We lost our power but thankfully hubby had the
generator up, and going in no time at all.

This keeps the freezer & refrigerator going
and we can use our well water.

We were well prepared with all
the notice we received.
Also all the battery candles I have
made each and every room
look so warm & cozy.

Our power has now been restored.
Over seven hundred thousand still
with out power in CT.
Untold amounts up and down the East Coast.
Keeping all the crews out there
working in my prayers.
In the daylight we assessed the damage here
on the property and down our road. 
We did loose a few trees in the yard, and
had a few down across the road
but all in all no serious damage.

We are Thankful and considering
ourselves very Lucky & Blessed.
Same with all our Family that is scattered
all over CT, NY, and NJ.
Hope you & yours are all well & safe.
Sending Good Thoughts,
Blessings & Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Yes, glad you all made it through, our prayers are with everyone in the hubby is volunteering with The Salvation Army ...they will be moving out tomorrow to areas where they are needed to provide meals to those without power....Mel's Designs from the Cabin follows you.....Mel

  2. Thankful you are fine. I am sure it was a little scary there for awhile. I have been following Irene on CNN. I live only 30 minutes from Joplin, Mo where their was a devastating tornado this past May. Mother Nature has a fierce voice at times. I can picture your cabin lit up with candles, my kind of lighting.
    Connie B

  3. Hi Connie!...we too have come through the storm with no damage other than the loss of one native tree in the backyard...Don will have to rent a chainsaw sometime soon...we ended up getting the full force of the storm because of its size and our being just 100miles inland...we lost power early Saturday afternoon and thankfully it was restored late this afternoon...whatta relief!!!

    So glad to hear that you and yours are safe!!


  4. I am ever so delighted to hear that you are safe...hoping that your family, dotted about New England, are safe and sound as well.

    Hugs & Blessings...

  5. So glad you and yours survived Irene with minimal damage, Connie. Thankfully, we were one of the lucky ones down here in Pa. too.

  6. glad that you are all okay. Looks like you may have some extra fire wood to keep you warm this winter.

  7. Hi Connie!

    Glad you made it through the storm with little damage! We did, too, here in NJ, although we are heading to our beach house on the Jersey shore this afternoon and don't know what to expect there. I am hoping we are able to get there without too much trouble -- as there have been trees down everywhere.

    The image of your home all lit up with candles sounds so nice and cozy! I was ready with mine, but we were one of the lucky ones who did not lose power.

    I'm glad the storm has left us -- it was a bit frightening there for a while....

    Have a great week!

  8. So glad you are all safe and sound! A few trees can be done without in the long run. Have a great holiday weekend, Dawn

  9. Hi Connie ~ I'm so glad everyone is safe. I can just picture your pretty house all lit up! It's sad to see all the devastation this storm caused and now Tropical Storm Lee hitting New Orleans and those parts. It's crazy.
    I hope you and your family are doing well. It's great to hear from you!! It's great to be back to blogging :)
    Sending big hugs ~ Jenn xo

  10. Hi Connie...much the same story here on Cape Cod but we had no rain at all...just high winds. Lost power for about 3 days and our phone line got taken down by a tree limb in our front yard. I feel bad about all the people who are flooded in NJ and VT. Must be awful. Been busy and preoccupied with company all summer but hope to be back in the blog world soon. Take care. Joanne

  11. So glad to hear you and yours are safe! What an epic storm Irene was!

  12. Hi Connie,

    Thanks for stopping by! I heard all about your wonderful visit with Janet and Don - they were full of compliments!! Isn't it fun to meet online friends like that?? I wish I had planned more time with them!

    I am so glad you didn't receive any serious damage from Irene either.

    Happy Fall - it is that wonderful time of year in NE!

    Warm hugs!

  13. Time to share some of your FALL decorating with us!!!!! XO

  14. I'm so happy you and Janet got to meet! How wonderful! Good thing I didn't come the sounds of it...I would have never left your beautiful home! ;)
    Happy Autumn!♥


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