Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HaPpy Summer ~~

Happy Summer Friends & Family ~~
No words of Wisdom ... lol or even any Big Doin's
here at the Cabin ...... just checking in to say
Hey & Hope all is Well.

Its such a Beautiful Time of Year ... Lush & Green,
we are just about cocooned here at the Cabin.
A wall of Green surrounds us and one
could almost think we are here alone
in the woods in the 1700's. 
Some days we only see each other
  God's creatures that wander
by looking for food & water.
We are just back from  five days in my other favorite part of
the country ..... a Wonderful visit to PA
smack dab in Amish Country. 
We stopped in to see my Favorite
Shop Owners who also happen to be my Friends.
Go there Guys you will Love them & their Stores.
aunt daisy's ..... Emmaus, PA
Cinnamon Stick .... Hereford, PA
Getting a little Flack from them  that
I hadn't posted in awhile. :-)
Hugs to Anita, & Judy.
I am very much enjoying Summer on my back deck,
ahh the lazy, hazy, days of Summer.
Sunshine,   Lollipops and Rainbows ....
Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
and an occasional
Gin & Tonic out in the fresh air.
I have my Grand Girls Monday & Tuesday
during  School Vacation so  there will be lots
of laughs & fun times.
Also have my Great Nephew on Tuesday's
he's 14 mths old and a bundle of Pure Boy ....
such Fun, and the girls
dote on their cousin ... "The Little Prince" !!
I am Blessed to spend Time  & make Memories
with these liitle ones.
EnJoy this Season  .... As  it,  Like so many
Good Things pass so Swiftly

As always I hope where ever you are ....
you & yours are
Well, Happy & Healthy.
Sending You Blessings & Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. it's so good to see a post from you dear Connie! glad to hear you've been able to enjoy a trip to PA...your property sounds devine...heavenly even! lucky girl!


  2. What a wonderful summertime post! LOVE your outdoor chandelier, wish I could set under there with you with a nice cold drink. Enjoy your time with the little ones, Dawn

  3. Hi Connie-I'm a new blogger and just found yours. I live in a log home, in the woods on Lake Superior. Sometimes I wonder if we are the only people left on earth. Please drop by and say "hi". I'll be visiting again!

  4. Hi Connie,

    Good to hear from you ! Your flowers look so pretty, and I just think that chandelier on the deck is just perfect !

    Would have loved to meet you when you were in good ol Pennsylvania.. if you traveled on I-80 in West Central PA, you were only 1/2 mile or so from my house !

    May you have a happy summer and enjoy the little ones !


  5. Connie so nice to see a post!! You certainly do have your own little spot in paradise there!!

    Spending time with the grands is a special time in our lives - and it does pass so quickly!!

    I hope your summer is full of many lazy days - but we can skip the haze!!

    hugs, Linda

  6. Good morning Connie,
    I loved your post this light and cheerful...a nice way to start my day.

    Your thoughts and conveying them to us was like I could feel it. THANK YOU.

    Enjoy your time with the sweet little ones...they grow so fast and we miss so many wonderful moments if we don't keep our eyes open!

    Glad you enjoyed your trip to PA...I can't wait because we go in August for the Lititz Craft show! Yippppeeeee.


  7. Good morning Connie...It is absolutely delightful to visit with you again! I so missed your posts.
    From your entry this day I can surely understand your absence from the blog world. It sounds as though you are enjoying a most lovely summer. Your corner of the world looks (and sounds) a dream...and your time spent with family a precious blessing surely.

    Wishing you all that gives you joy, and I shall look forward to visiting with you again soon.

    Hugs and smiles,

  8. Hi Connie..loved seeing a post from you and of course all of your pretty pics!

  9. Hi Connie,
    As usual, we seem to be on the same wave length. However, you don't ever have to write a word....your beautiful pictures tell it all. Good that your summer is going well. I know how you feel being "cocooned in." We would never know we had neighbors this time of year when the trees are full. It's nice.
    Enjoy the summer in your beautiful home.

  10. Wish you could visit too, but the east coat is totally my dream vacation. One of these days... Have a great holiday weekend, Dawn

  11. Connie, You are so right. Summer is passing by very quickly. Miss your posts. The flowers are lovely! Blessings!

  12. Just thought I would check in on the mere hope that you had made a new post and was so long ago...sorry I didn't check sooner! Your visits are my "JOY" time - Your pictures are amazing - and I wouldn't mind being "cocooned" in your beautiful cabin for a week or two!!! Ah..the little ones are what keeps us young at heart - XOXO, Judy

  13. You're welcome to come sit at our little beach anytime you can get to Michigan! I would love it!! Dawn

  14. Dawn ... just saw your comment, Very Sweet. Thank You !! Hugs xox

  15. Hi Connie! I thought I had left a comment here, but I guess it didn't go through. Just wanted to say that I was at Aunt Daisy's when you and your husband were there -- I heard Anita mention that she had checked your blog, and I wondered if it was one I followed. Then I saw this post, and there was no doubt it was you!! Small world, isn't it?! We used to live there in PA, are now in NW Jersey and soon moving to Rockland Co., NY, where my husband and I are from.

    Perhaps I'll run into you again one day at Aunt Daisy's -- I have kept my doctors there in Allentown so I am in the area fairly regularly. I will know to say hi if that ever happens again!!

    Have a nice week!

  16. Hi Penny .... I did see your first comment but I didn't want to publish it because you had put your email address in the comment. I emailed you right back saying it is a "Small World". lol
    I just re-sent the email I hope you get it.
    Thanks for visiting !!
    Hugs ~ Connie xox

  17. Hi Connie,
    I am hopping around to all my favorite people this morning while Lydia is at camp. Love your back porch/deck. It looks so inviting. I'll be there in 9 hours, have the gin and tonic waiting!!

    It sounds like you are having a lovely summer with the grand girls and nephew but also getting that nice break to rest in between.

    We just missed you in Amish country. We were there for the Extrav 6/26....I'm already to go back!! It is the best place isn't it?

    Wishing you a happy summer. Enjoy these lovely days, they do go by too fast!

    Big hugs right back at you,
    Jenn xo

    p.s. and yes Judy is killing me also with her talk of pails of black raspberries (my favorite). Haven't been able to find any around here this year :(

  18. Hi, Connie! Thanks so much for dropping by and for your sweet comments.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~