Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter ~~

All I Need to Know
I Learned from the Easter Bunny
Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
Everyone Needs a Friend Who is All Ears
There is no Such Thing as Too Much Candy
All Work & No Play Makes You a Basket Case
A Cute Tail Attracts alot of Attention
Everyone is Entitled to a Bad Hare Day
Let Happy Thoughts Multiply like Rabbits
Some Body Parts should be Floppy
Keep Your Paws off Other Peoples
Jelly Beans
Good Things Come is Small Sugary
Coated Packages
The Best Things in Life are
Still Sweet & Gooey
May the Joy of the
Season Fill your Heart
May God Bless You
Wishing You All a
Blessed Happy Easter
Sending Spring Time
Hugs from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Connie...How very lovely to visit with you again! Such a delightful post, and beautiful Spring blooms. Thank you for the inspiration!

    Wishing you and yours an Easter overflowing with beauty and blessings!


  2. Happy Easter to you and to yours Connie!...what a cute it!...especially the one about some body parts should be floppy! :D


  3. Happy Easter & Happy Spring. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Connie,

    May you have a very Blessed Happy Easter !


  5. Hope your Easter is filled with much love and happiness. Loved the post!!! Enjoy, Dawn

  6. P.S. I'm going to snag this and post it to my Facebook...I hope you don't mind!!


  7. Lovin' those BLACK Jelly Beans...

    So where did you find this one? Really Cute Connie...

    Wishing you Spring Time Happiness~


  8. Hey busy lady! Good to see you here. Thank you for the sweet e-card. I'm so behind on catching up with emails. Love all these sayings, they're great. Wishing you and your family a happy Easter. I'm sure your making something fabulous! Hope the sun peaks out for us all!!!! Big hugs ~ Jenn

  9. HAPPY EASTER CONNIE AND PAUL !! We have some sunshine and on but it is most welcomed. Love your Easter Poem - too cute! Catch up with you next week - EAT LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!! XO, Judy

  10. Happy Easter Connie. Hope you had a wonderful day with your family. It was sooooo hot here in Va was almost unbearable to sit outside and enjoy the day. Hope it is not an indication of what the rest of Spring will be like. I have so much work to get done outside and it must be done before Jessica's HS graduation in June!!
    Love to you.

  11. Absolutely adorable post, Connie. Advice to live by! We're still here in the south but heading home soon. Hope you can work some magic with the New England weather.
    Take care,


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