Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thank You !!

Oh My Goodness just received the gift
box I won from Rabbit Hill Primitives.
 THANK YOU  Jenn !!!
The PumPkin is Wonderful ..... the tea lights
which I use all the time are great, and packaged
so cute ... and the  magazine woo hoo FALL,
cant wait to pour a cup of tea, sit, and read it. 
I love it all, and the way you wrapped it up. 
Its amazing .... the friends I have made in the
few years I have come to join you
all in  Blog Land....
(Thank You Again  Miss Judy ~~Cinnamon Stick)   
So  to win something
from one of the first people that reached
out to me ...... is so Special, and Fall items 
to boot .... it just doesn't get any better than that. 
Jenn the card you wrote was so touching,
and sweet....and a book mark too, so
even when I'm reading I'll think of you
my far away friend. :-) 

Thank You again for your
generosity, and friendship. 
Big Hugs to
 Lydia for "picking" me.  

I'm sorry I don't know how to link
but if you haven't done
so, please check out ......
Jenn Tavoletti's
Beautiful Creations.
at Rabbit Hill Primitives ~~
It's another gray, rainy day
here in CT a perfect day to
bake up a batch of cookies,
cook up a pot of something
warm & hearty and maybe
curl up with a good book or magazine.
What ever your day holds
I wish you the Best ~~
Sending  Blessings & Warm Hugs   
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. What an adorable pumpkin! Congrats on your win!! I do love all the wonderful people I have "met" through blogging!

  2. It's chilly here today too. Yup, a good day to start stitchin' away on Christmas items! (Hard to get my head into that yet though - but it needs to happen.) I keep thinking that it's less than a month away to change the shop! Hope you have a peaceful, cozy day, Dawn

  3. Hi Connie!...what a treasure box you received!...I love Jenn's handmades...congratulations on winning!

    How's the foliage looking up your way?...some are saying that the colors are not as plentiful this year because of the extra hot summer and lack of rain...our floor remodel took more out of us than we anticipated, it was completed on Thursday and we are still putting things back...wondering if we should make a push to see foliage in CT this year or what until next if it's not as good this time?


  4. Hi Janet ~~ Congrats on getting the room done ... I will email you about the colors.
    Hugs ~~ me xox

  5. Connie....(XOXO)...and oh my goodness - I want to win one of Jenn's giveaway's!!! Love everything...I NEED that pumpkin for my "patch" !!
    Your stack on the sidebar is "too sweet" too!
    Talk soon...sending hugs, Judy

  6. Connie...
    Lucky you to win something from Jenn...
    Her Punkin's are just SO special and the votives...Well just Autumn...

    Isn't it just wonderful the friends you make through Blogging...

    Happy New Week...


  7. I've been lucky to find some unusual items for the shop - with many more to follow for the holidays. One more week of fall, then... Oh boy, I sure have lots more to get done before I make the change! Hope you have a wonderful, cozy weekend, Dawn


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~