Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Memorial Day ~~

Happy Memorial Day

As we go about our Memorial Day Week-End, some
of us will take a day to Celebrate with Friends & Family.
Some of us will stay at home and relax. 
Others will use the time to catch up with chores
around our homes....inside & out.
May we each find a few minutes  to  give
Thanks & Prayer to our Military who are serving
us all around the world, and to those that gave the
Ultimate Sacrifice for our Freedom.
May God Continue to Bless the USA

~~ Kimmie's Home in NV ~~
Wishing You All  a
Happy, Warm,  & Safe
Memorial Day
May the Sun shine on your
Parades, Picnics, & Projects
Sending Warm Patriotic Hugs ~~ Connie xox


  1. Happy Memorial Day to you Connie!'s too bad that our President does not feel the need to visit Arlington National Cemetary to lay the wreath!!

    LOL @ Paul not getting a break from the shows!!

    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. I love love love that flag displayed...and your flowers are beautiful.....

  3. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY CONNIE - having the grandgirls will be so much fun. Eat too much, party too much, laugh too much and hug too much!! XO, Judy

  4. Wishing you a pleasant holiday Connie!


  5. Connie...
    Wishing you and yours a very Safe and Happy Holiday...

    Eat Well and Enjoy the Beginning of the Summer...(Finally!!!)


  6. Hi Connie! Hope you and your family are well and your having a nice spring, its going by too fast.

    I'm sure you had something fun planned (probably with yummy food) this past holiday weekend. I hope it was a good one!

    Sending big hugs ~ Jenn

  7. Connie, just stumbled across your blog, seems we're neighbors. I enjoyed reading your blog and will add it to my favorites on my blog. Have a great day!


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~