Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Whats Your Sign ??

Morning All ~~
The sun is shining its suppose to get close to sixty
today... and all is well here at the Cabin.
Was breezing around Blog Land and
found this posted on Linda at
The Keeping Room's Blog
Click on the Link and Post your sign.
Hugs to All ~~ Connie xox
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - Blog Quizzes


  1. haha....I did mine and it wasn't me at all!! you go girl!


  2. Hi Connie,
    Thanks for playing along.
    My sister in law is a Cancer and we get along very well.
    Have a great day!

  3. Hi Connie, That sure sounds like you...I don't know about the kissing part though lol! but you are a "cutie". I'm going to check mine out now. Have a great day! Jenn

  4. I tried to paste it on my blog but it didn't work...????? Anyway it was RIGHT ON...well maybe not about "the tramp" part...YIKES !!! I AM a good kisser - still going to try and make it work...tired from all that tax work. Miss talking...soon....XO, Judy


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~