Thursday, March 25, 2010

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet."
~~ James Oppenheim

Good Afternoon Friends ... I needed to make a
new post so when I signed in I didn't see my little
Irish Lass looking up at me. lol
I've been busy doing Spring clean up ... when will I
learn not to do three days in a row of yard
back is in agony. I do it every year I'm so excited to
clean up and see what is sprouting....that I keep going
till I can hardly walk.
I forget I'm not as young as I use to be. :-)
I've also been busy Farming on my Farmville
Farm on Facebook, oh I swore I wouldn't get
addicted....but Yup I have !!

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with my relatives
all around the seeing my cousins grand kids,
and keeping in touch with my nieces & nephews.....but this
Farming has got me Hooked.
What a Pleasure to plant a field of Daffodils & see
them fully grown & ready to Harvest two days later. lol

Hope it is Sunny & Mild where ever you are, and that
you can get out in the fresh air & play in the dirt
if that is what you Desire.
Sending Warm Hugs from the Cabin the real one &
my Cabin of the "Farm" ~~ Connie xox
Not sure what I have done ...but I changed backgrounds
and am now having problems posting. :-(


  1. OH NO - not another one addicted!!! Well...I suppose you will have to speak to the "Farmer" to see what is going on with your posts!!!
    Love the new background - Nice chatting yesterday....sending much hugs and medical news..IBprofin works miracles!! XO, Judy

  2. Hi Connie,

    I do the same thing every spring - over do the yard work and pay for it later.

    I too love FB but I do not play any games. I just don't have time these days.

    Did you remember to remove your old background before you added the new one? That can cause a traffic jam and slow things down.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Oh NO! Farmville has you hooked too?!
    I love your FV pics...very nice.
    We FV addicts have to stick together :)

  4. Ha ha! I'm trying to stay away from that Farmville! Your's looks so sweet makes me want to try but NOOOO I can't be addicted to anything else! I'm sure your real garden is beautiful. It's nice to see all the "babies" wake up isn't it?? Take it easy and happy farming ~~ Jenn xoxo

  5. Hi Connie....I'm sorry that your back is hurting....I know it's hard to remember to take things a little slower.

    I am afraid of getting into Farmville so I haven't ever looked at it....your pictures are cute!....have fun!


  6. ~Too funny, Connie. A friend here in Florida is addicted as well and keeps trying to get me going on it. I have enough trouble staying away from the computer as it is!
    ~I feel your back pain but I can relate to that excitement when the rebirth begins to show each spring. Such a glorious cycle.
    ~Finally having warm weather here. We had two beach days this week so we're feeling spiffy with our new tans.
    ~Enjoy all your spring flowers and be sure to share with us. You take such beautiful pictures.

  7. The first gardening of the season...deary me, we do tend to overdo. A nice warm soak with Epsom salts and a bit of lavender oil should set you right as rain (until the next overdo).

    Gentle hugs...

  8. I too remember those days in Ct. when the weather gets warmer and the backbreaking tilling of the soil on the farm and haying. Though when I reaped the pickings of tomatoes, peppers, cukes and whatever else we planted it was wonderful. We had blueberries, raspberries, apple trees, plums, pear trees and apricots also to tend to.
    Today on Cape I am forever taking the sand out of my shoes! Oh woe is me.


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~