Saturday, October 10, 2009

And the Winner Is ~~~

We at the Cabin want to Thank All of you who stop by to visit,
leave a comment, email us a question, or a sweet thought.
I have enjoyed this year here in Blog Land more than I can say.
Its such Fun to share with like minded kindred spirits.
I have been educated, inspired, encouraged,
and entertained each and every time I sign
into this community.

We had sixty entries,
Sweet Miss Taylor had the honor, of pickin.
And the Winner is...

********Linda from Country Pickins ********

Congratulations Linda !!!
Please email me your complete info so I
can get your package in the mail.
Again Thank You All ~~
Sending Blessings & Warm Autumn Hugs
from the Cabin ~~ Connie xox


  1. Congratulation to Linda!! What a lucky gal!!

    Connie, I hope you are enjoying this wonderful fall weekend!

    hugs, Linda

  2. Congratulations Linda you certainly are getting a wonderful gathering.

    Thanks for doing such a great give away.

  3. Congratulations to the winner!....what a lovely package she will be receiving!


  4. Hi Connie~

    How sweet Miss Taylor looks all dressed up. Congrats to Linda, what a nice selection of autumn goods she is getting!

    We just got back from Ohio and I found the motherload of many different varieties you would have loved it. A wonderful little place in the middle of nowhere called Pumpkin Farms. Wish I would have remembered my camera. I could have bought more but I ran out of room in the Jeep! Can't wait until next year.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Love and hugs ~ Jenn

  5. Congratulations, Linda! What a great giveaway, Connie.

  6. Your granddaughter looks so lovely Connie...Great Sweet Smile...

    Congratulations to Linda...I'm sure she'll just love all the autumn goodies...

    Guess you'll have to go out to Ohio next year with Jenn for your Pumpkins'(Great Roadtrip!!!)

    Happy Sunday...Marilyn

  7. LOL M If I had any patience I could wait and get the good pumpkins down by you...I just get too anxious...that's why I head to PA where they seem to harvest a little earlier. :-) Still no word from Linda the winner, hope she gets in touch soon. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs ~ me xox

  8. Congrats to Linda - she won some wonderful gifts!

  9. Give sweet Taylor a hug even though she didn't pick my name...(sad face)- OH MY....your weather today says "a wintry mix and ICY"... I was sobbing about a high of 42! What happened to fall??? XOXO Judy

  10. Thanks so much, guys! I would have thanked you sooner, but been in the hospital for surgery and it is a slow slow recovery. The giveaway was awesome and I can't thank Connie enough. You are such a sweetheart. I love everything and treasure it deeply. It looks beautiful in my living room. I still cannot beleive I won this gracious giveaway. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!! Hugs, Linda


Thanks so much for taking the time to visit me and leave a comment ~~